For DDL, you will use generated db2ddl script to create table definitions.
As mentioned, dtd2sql simply produces a set of CREATE TABLE statements.
前面提到过,dtd2s ql只产生一组CREATE table语句。
Consult the DB2 UDB documentation for the actual CREATE TABLE statements you should use.
关于应该使用的实际的CREATE table语句,请参阅DB 2UD b文档。
Consider the simple example of two statements targeted for table T1 - CREATE table T1 (C1 INT).
考虑一个简单的例子,例子中有两个以表t 1为目标的语句——CREATE TABLET1 (C1INT)。
TABLE data is partitioned as specified in the partition BY clause of the CREATE TABLE statement.
CREATE table语句的PARTITIONBY子句指定了表数据的分区。
In this example, you see that the "Create table" statement failed to propagate on target servers.
在本例中,您将看到“Create table”语句未能广播到目标服务器。
The result of the db2look call is a file sales.ddl containing the CREATE table statement for table sales.
db2look调用的结果是sales . ddl文件,其中包含sales表的CREATE table语句。
Cannot create table. A table must have at least one cell, and the number of cells must not exceed 5,000.
So in the above CREATE TABLE example, dtd2sql identified the DTD element definitions shown in Listing 4.
所以在上述CREATE TABLE示例中,dtd2s ql标识了在清单4中显示的dtd元素定义。
This can be performed by invoking the CREATE TABLE statement using the CCSID UNICODE clause. For example.
这可以通过调用使用了CCSIDunicode子句的CREATE table语句来执行。
The statement at D results in an error because the CREATE TABLE statement for the t1 table has been rolled back.
标签D的语句导致一个错误,因为t1表的CREATE TABLE 语句被执行了回滚。
You cannot define a foreign key constraint in a CREATE TABLE statement that contains an AS subquery clause.
你不能在CREATE TABLE语句中包含AS子查询子句定义一个外键约束。
The dimensions are defined in the CREATE table statement and storage is reserved for each combination of values.
在CREATE table语句中定义维的时候,就为每种值的组合预留了存储空间。
If there is no partitioning key provided explicitly in the CREATE TABLE command, the following defaults are used.
如果在CREATE TABLE命令内没有显式地提供分区键,那么就会使用如下的这些默认值。
Specify option 1 to ifx_grid_connect with the create table command to create the replicate on the table automatically.
要为ifx_grid_connect指定选项1,可以使用create table命令在表上自动创建副本。
Once you have determined the MQT definitions, the MQTs can be created with the use of a " CREATE TABLE" statement.
一旦确定了MQT定义,就可以使用 "CREATE TABLE"语句创建MQT 了。
I also described two ways to use the partition BY clause of the create table statement to create partitioned tables.
我还描述了使用CREATE TABLE的PARTITIONBY子句来创建分区表的两种方法。
Edit the generated SQL script adding the COMPRESS YES clause to the CREATE table statement for the noted fact tables.
编辑生成的sql脚本,对于标记的事实表添加COMPRESSyes子句到CREATE table语句。
The module dtd2sql generates a list of CREATE TABLE statements, while xml2sql generates a list of INSERT INTO statements.
模块dtd2s ql生成CREATE table语句的列表,而xml2s ql生成INSERT into语句的列表。
If a primary key is specified in the CREATE TABLE statement, the first column of the primary key is used as the distribution key.
如果在CREATE table语句中指定了一个主键,那么主键的首列会被用作分配键。
Membership of a group that has sufficient authority to issue TRUNCATE TABLE statements and have CREATE TABLE statement privileges.
一组成员,拥有足够的授权来发出TRUNCATEtable语句且拥有CREATE table语句权限。
You can use the PASSTHRU session to directly send the create table statement to the data source and create a nickname for this new table.
您可以使用PASSTHRU会话直接将CREATE table语句发送到数据源,并为这个新表创建一个昵称。
Now, when creating partitioned tables, the partition boundaries are determined by the CREATE table statement instead of CREATE INDEX.
这时,当创建分区的表时,分区的边界由CREATE table语句决定,而不是由CREATEindex语句决定。
For example, create table mytable (idcol int xmldoc XML) would create a table with one integer column (idcol) and one XML column (xmldoc).
例如,create tablemytable (idcolintxmldocxml)将会创建具有一个整数列(idcol)和一个xml列(xmldoc)的表。
Running such a create table statement — by a user at the command line or by a custom application — creates these columns within each table.
用户在命令行上或通过定制应用程序运行这样的CREATE table语句将在每个表中创建这些列。
After connecting to the SAMPLE database, we create the newstaff table by issuing the following SQL statement: create table newstaff like staff.
在连接到SAMPLE数据库之后,我们通过发出下面这个sql语句创建newstaff表:create table newstafflikestaff。
After successfully converting from version 11.50.xc7 to 11.70.xc1, you can use the following command to create table with interval fragmentation.
成功地由版本11.50 .xC 7升级到11.70 .xC1之后,您可以使用以下命令,创建一个有区间存储残片的表格。
The 'data INITIALLY DEFERRED' clause indicates that when the MQT is created, it is not populated with data as a part of create table statement.
'DATAINITIALLY DEFERRED '子句指出,当创建MQT时,不会作为create table语句的一部分填充m QT。
To achieve this clustering, add the following clause to the second CREATE TABLE statement in Listing 3: ORGANIZE BY DIMENSIONS (label_comp_id).
为了实现这种集群,在清单3中的第二个CREATE table语句添加如下子句:organizeBYDIMENSIONS (label_comp _ id)。
In a DPF environment, each table row is distributed to a database partition according to the distribution key specified in the CREATE table statement.
在DPF环境中,根据CREATE table语句中指定的分区键,表中的每个行被分布到一个分区上。