Downgrades can also be trigger events in financial contracts, like credit default swaps, that force money to change hands between parties; and they have historically spooked markets.
In the past couple of years the fastest-growing corner of these markets was credit-default swaps, which allowed people to insure against the failure of the new-fangled credit products.
Some in the markets have taken fright, too: the country's credit-default swaps imply a 50% chance of default by 2015.
The biggest worry is the effect on derivatives markets, particularly the giant one for credit-default swaps.
CCPs are the norm in exchange-based markets but they have been scarce among surging over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, notably the gigantic market for credit-default swaps (see chart).
Pressure to trammel the markets (banning trading in credit-default swaps, setting up a more pliable European rating agency) should be dismissed as an attempt to shoot the messenger.
Pressure to trammel the markets (banning trading in credit-default swaps, setting up a more pliable European rating agency) should be dismissed as an attempt to shoot the messenger.