Is a credit derivative used for speculation or to hedge risk?
In gross terms, Banks have conducted credit derivative transactions largely with other Banks to achieve their desired exposures.
Usually this takes the form of assuring creditors that the risks of a bank, a company or a dodgy credit derivative are really minimal.
The financial products were made "safe" by insurance products known as credit default swaps, a credit derivative from companies such as AIG.
In reverse, the effect of credit and bond market on credit derivative markets is not obvious. That is, the mutual effect of them is asymmetric.
separately, the debt restructuring could also trigger payouts on billions of dollars of credit derivative contracts, used by financial markets to hedge against or speculate on a Greek default
In the U.S., 15 Wall Street Banks have pledged to do more than 90% of their eligible credit and interest-rate derivative trades through central clearinghouses by year end.
In that trade, investors bought credit insurance on Greece from big Banks, which serve as market makers in cash and derivative trades.
The days of easy pickings for hedge funds and their sponsor Banks which traded credit-derivative insurance and other exotic debt instruments are over.
We understand it to be a real issue that could potentially cover any over-the-counter derivative contract - so swaps, forwards, options, whether interest, FX, credit equity or other.
Besides market risks, Goldman also assesses credit risks, based on whether a counterparty might default on a loan or fail to honour a derivative contract, and liquidity risk.
Reportedly, China Everbright Bank launched the first in the domestic industry with the personal housing mortgage derivative products effectively broadened the scope of services of credit operations.
Reportedly, China Everbright Bank launched the first in the domestic industry with the personal housing mortgage derivative products effectively broadened the scope of services of credit operations.