Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve announced emergency measures to ease the liquidity crisis in credit markets.
The economy was "trapped in a vicious cycle" and needed a big "jolt" to ease the flow of credit and to cushion the drop in private demand.
The Fed calls its policy "credit easing" to emphasise that, though its policy rate is almost zero, it is using different channels to ease credit and boost spending.
Recent weeks have seen nations employ more aggressive measures to prop up financial institutions, ease tight credit, and reassure panicky investors.
The economy was “trapped in a vicious cycle” and needed a big “jolt” to ease the flow of credit and to cushion the drop in private demand.
The Fed's rate reduction follows emergency measures in recent days to ease the liquidity crisis in credit markets.
Still, Mr. Bloom cautioned, his comparative optimism depends on solid policy steps to ease the credit crisis and restore confidence.
As delinquencies ease, Mr. Najarian said, credit losses are likely to decline.
Bank of England policy makers indicated they are considering 'further measures' to ease the logjam in credit markets.
"You would think the fall of 800 points would catch the Fed's eye. And a coordinated rate cut would help" ease the credit crisis.
Third, the financial system (specifically, traditional commercial banks) is severely damaged, and the credit crunch will thus not ease very fast.
Economies where inflation and credit growth are already high and budget deficits large, such as India, have less room to ease monetary or fiscal policy if the economy weakens.
The goal is to improve the country's credit rating in order to ease the concerns of investors and reduce borrowing costs.
Central Banks have tried to ease credit fears by lowering interest rates or lending billions of dollars, or both.
Over the medium term, slowing demand will help ease import growth and domestic inflation pressures, Credit Suisse said.
At this stage, the credit rating does not play the role of ease the credit constraints of farmers.
The challenge will be whether demand for on Deck's services will disappear when the economy recovers and Banks ease credit, Feinberg says.
Regional central Banks have poured billions of dollars into credit markets over recent weeks to ease tight credit conditions since the financial crisis erupted in the United States in September.
While privacy is debated every day, it's a reality that we routinely put our names and addresses – and store credit card numbers with companies like Apple and Amazon for the ease of ordering.
This is a big advantage over credit CARDS, which we can use to incur extra debt with extreme ease, albeit normally at a much higher rate of interest.
Central Banks in Britain, Canada, Switzerland and in the United States will also provide a credit line of their individual currencies to ease strains in European markets.
The paper studies how credit card use is influenced by related credit card knowledge, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived risk, money&credit attitude and attitude to credit card.
As growth in housing credit slows, growth in lenders' balance sheets and earnings is also likely to ease.
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The attempt by major central banks to ease strains on Europe's credit markets certainly cheered financial markets on Wednesday, but what does the coordinated action actually do?
Banks in the euro zone continue to tighten credit standards, and in America they have only just begun to ease standards after several years of tightening.
Lang Lang, who deserves credit for taking on such non-standard fare, flew through the music with ease, but his touch was too hard.
Lang Lang, who deserves credit for taking on such non-standard fare, flew through the music with ease, but his touch was too hard.