It started with things like assessing credit risk from loan applications, sorting the mail by reading handwritten zip codes.
Does that really mean the market considers Banks a better credit risk than the Treasury?
CDS contracts allow investors to take on credit risk without buying the underlying bonds.
We offer our ratings as a view of relative credit risk-not as a buy, hold or sell recommendation.
Change the value of the Credit Risk Limit business variable to 45000 by repeating steps 1-12.
重复步骤1到12,将业务变量Credit RiskLimit的值修改为45000。
Math whiz proposed applying this statistical formula to credit risk, and financial meltdown ensued
The credit risk pricing model constructed in this paper belongs to the Intensity model Category.
Instead, it advises users of its ratings to consider it a commentary on relative levels of credit risk.
When they hold a mortgage, they take on not only credit risk but also interest-rate and prepayment risk.
[font=Times New Roman][color=#000000]The second is the rating agencies, the new arbiters of credit risk.
Yet just because credit risk is more evenly spread does not necessarily mean the system as a whole is safe.
Basel 2 invites Banks to choose between two approaches when calculating credit risk and capital allocation.
Moving credit risk around the system is no replacement for reducing it, meaning stress levels are set to stay high.
they will be exposed to the credit risk of the insurer, which the collapse of AIG in 2008 showed to be a real danger;
The loans they guarantee, in contrast, carry only credit risk (the other risks are borne by the investor in the securities).
The scale of the TSLF raises concerns that the Fed, in its attempt to reduce liquidity risk, is taking on too much credit risk.
"This is equity risk, not credit risk," says one: if equity investors were to put money into JLR today, they would want a 40-50% return.
“这是股票,而非信贷风险”其中一位银行家说,“今天如果股票投资者把钱投给JLR,那他们就希望有40%- 50%的回报。”
This could lead to more homogenized rating opinions and, ultimately, deprive investors of valuable, differentiated opinions on credit risk.
And already investors view the credit risk of Tata's subsidiaries differently, suggesting they are not convinced it is an integrated whole.
It is commonly assumed that the growth of hedge funds has dispersed market risk. In particular, credit risk has been packaged up and resold.
This practice may be exposing central banks to too much credit risk, as well as stalling the recovery of the market for mortgage-backed assets.
Left unchecked, fails could “leave a chain of intermediaries with hard-to-manage counterparty credit risk, ” says Tom Wipf, the TMPG’s chairman.
尽管说法没有得到核实,但TMPG’s的董事长Tom Wipf表示,交易失败可能“给一系列相关中游产业留下难以管理的订约方信贷风险”。
We are in a unique position in Vietnam, because local competition does not have the skills to run a large-scale operation managing a lot of credit risk.
But a large collective bond issue could have benefits even for countries with low credit risk, as it would rival America's Treasuries market for liquidity.
The ECB, with its more liberal collateral regime, runs the second, milder sort of credit risk all the time-and it offers term lending for up to three months.
After a period of record new loan creation, issuance is easing as the front-loading of new lending runs its course and Banks become more mindful of credit risk.
In contrast American Express and Discover, the pair's closest competitors, operate networks and, as with the Banks, issue CARDS, which leaves them open to credit risk.
In contrast American Express and Discover, the pair's closest competitors, operate networks and, as with the Banks, issue CARDS, which leaves them open to credit risk.