The influence of Zr on the creep DE formation and creep crack growth of Al wire was studied.
The results show that the creep crack growth rates are strongly dependent upon the microstructure.
The analytical investigation of nonlinear creep crack growth is in its infancy and much remains to be learned and done .
A finite element program CCGC-1 is compiled to simulate the creep crack growth rate in materials working at elevated temperature.
编制了有限元程序CCGC - 1以模拟计算高温材料蠕变裂纹的扩展。
The results show that addition of small amounts of Mg can not only notably increase the creep crack growth life but also increase creep toughness.
The structure integrity of HK40 reformer tube is studied in respect of the controlling parameter of creep crack growth, the critical crack length and the residual life.
The results reveal that the crack growth rates strongly depends on grain size and carbide distributin, and the creep crack growth rates are reversely relative to grain size.
Based on the local damage hypothesis and utilizing similarity solutions, this paper presents a procedure for estimating the incubation time prior to the onset of creep crack growth.
A criterion of crack growth at interaction of fatigue and creep is presented.
A criterion of crack growth at interaction of fatigue and creep is presented.