The creep rate of the composites is 2 ~ 3 orders lower than that of Mg matrix alloy.
硼酸镁晶须增强镁基复合材料比基体镁合金的蠕变速率低2 ~3个数量级。
The creep rate was increased while the yield strength was reduced by anodic dissolution.
The press time for balance of sesame and peanut was selected by using curves of creep rate.
The results show that the creep rate of mudstone is not only related to stress state, but also to time.
The creep rate of the slates are also fitted. The results show that the creep rate decreases gradually until it reaches the steady rate.
Dualistic regression coefficients of two parameters (steady creep rate and creep damage rate) of the HP-50 reformer tubes are calculated.
计算了HP 5 0转化管稳态蠕变速率参量和蠕变损伤速率参量的二元回归系数。
The constant creep rate was increased and creep-resistance breaking time and creep breaking elongation were decreased with the increase of applied stress.
The compressive creep rate in the alloy was mainly controlled by the lattice diffusion of zinc and dislocation limb, and the grain boundary sliding contributed for it in some degree.
The steady-state creep strain rate is a power function of deviatoric stress and exponential function of temperature and energy.
The creep strain rate sensitivity can be determined from the relationship between the creep hardness and creep strain rate by the definition of "work of indentation".
Finally we have studied the magnetic field sweep rate dependence of flux jump, and discussed the influence of flux creep on flux jump.
Loading rate effect, creep and stress relaxation should be attributed to the viscous properties of the sand specimens, but not to the delayed dissipation of excess pore water pressure.
Shortterm shear behaviors depend on loading rate and test temperature while the shapes of the shear creep curve and the creep lives depend on test temperature and stress.
A study was made on concrete creep under different curing temperatures, and the comprehensive effects of time and temperature on creep development were expressed with the chemical reaction rate.
The rate of rail creep lengthening at the beginning after rail laying on the track is greater than that of the afterward time.
The experimental items of the tests are tension of constant strain rate, creep at constant stress, and strain controlled low cycle fatigue of constant strain rate.
With the increase of the modifier dosage, creep compliance declined and recovery rate raised in the same time, the modification effect is better.
The steady state creep strain rate is a power function of deviatoric stress and exponential function of temperature and energy.
A finite element program CCGC-1 is compiled to simulate the creep crack growth rate in materials working at elevated temperature.
编制了有限元程序CCGC - 1以模拟计算高温材料蠕变裂纹的扩展。
The accelerative creep shows highly nonlinear characteristics; and the creep strain rate displays a discontinuous form, which occurs in jumps change.
In order to get low surface roughness and high material remove rate, basic research on the optimization of process parameters in creep feed ultrasonic grinding engineering ceramics was conducted.
The variation of creep at different time is mainly dependent on rate of load and r.
The rate of rail creep lengthening is not the same at the different time after the new rail laying on the track.
However, a higher growth rate and feed intake often result from increasing weaning age and by providing liquid diets and creep feeding.
The change rate of creep stiffness with temperature (SAS) is proposed to evaluate the temperature susceptibility of asphalt binder at low temperature zone.
Test results show that : ( 1 ) the amount of creep deformation during monotonic primary loading depends on strain rate before creep, creep stress level, and creep time ;
试验结果表明: (1 )在初始加载过程中,经过一定时间蠕变后黏土的强度有很大的提高;
The strain rate was changed stepwise several times; and stress relaxation tests and a set of creep tests were performed during otherwise monotonous loading at a constant strain rate.
The strain rate was changed stepwise several times; and stress relaxation tests and a set of creep tests were performed during otherwise monotonous loading at a constant strain rate.