Having a visible reminder of the minutes ticking away might spur you into speeding up your morning routine, rather than letting the time creep up on you.
The hypothetical boiled frog is a useful metaphor for a very real problem: the difficulty of responding to disasters that creep up on you a bit at a time.
I would guess that modern humans, with no natural predators but themselves, and with all their toys and mental constructs and cosy rooms, are relatively easy to creep up on.
As you tire on a run, don't let them creep up toward your ears. If they do, shake them out to release the tension.
Let me give you an example: many people walk through streets listening to music on their iPods. What that means is that someone can easily creep up from behind and attack.
But they're expected to creep up in coming years as the cost of increasingly stringent clean-air regulations are passed on to customers.
The basic idea of this new model is that cavity nucleation during creep deformation depends not only on the stress concentration of piled-up group of dislocations, but also vacancy clustering.
Some of these weak stems creep on the ground, other climb up sticks or other larger plants.
Some of these weak stems creep on the ground, other climb up sticks or other larger plants.