This will add the Ed stomach and intestines burden, stomach and intestines' creeping motion reduces.
Then the slider motion is analyzed by the state-plane method. A limit circle which can describe the path of the creeping motion is found out.
According to the model clinical manifestation, saw that the stomach creeping motion wave, hits I and the pylorus tumour and the spraying vomit and so on 3 main signs, the diagnosis then determined.
Therefore the robot can execute three motion patterns- snake-like creeping, caterpillar-like rolling and four-legged walking.
In reference to the describing method of the creeping of machine tools, a motion accuracy analysis of a 3-d coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is made.
The experiment proves that this method can perfectly control the running modes such as starting, acceleration, uniform motion, slowdown and creeping of the hoist.
The experiment proves that this method can perfectly control the running modes such as starting, acceleration, uniform motion, slowdown and creeping of the hoist.