Voices rose in a crescendo and drowned him out.
The applause rose to a crescendo and cameras clicked.
The advertising campaign reached a crescendo just before Christmas.
She spoke in a crescendo: "You are a bad girl! You are a wicked girl! You are evil!"
Repeat starting pianissimo and making a crescendo to forte and then a diminuendo.
In truth, bear markets often end not in a crescendo of selling but a cloud of indifference.
It had come to a kind of crescendo with voter registration drives and the Voting Rights Act of 1964.
For the RH octave melody of bars 33-35, be sure not to play with any crescendo, especially the last G.
第33 - 35小节的右手八度旋律,要确保不要弹成渐强,尤其是最后的g音。
When his voice rose in a crescendo, flames leapt from his fingers with a sudden whoosh and made the crowd gasp.
There are few exceptions to this rule, and sometimes a crescendo is marked after an appoggiatura or dissonance;
There are a few exceptions to this rule, and sometimes a crescendo is marked after an appoggiatura or dissonance.
Crescendo has created a beautiful European inspired masterpiece that is in perfect harmony with its surroundings.
At first it was a soft and gentle sound, but as his voice rose in crescendo, it became a beautiful and powerful song.
Romance is neither the Fabio hair nor a grand, sweeping moment with a crescendo of music and flowers raining from the sky.
If something in your life has come to some kind of crescendo and you're still dealing with it - fine, take the time you need.
In this case, I chose to change the color of the orb to magenta and the animation to crescendo if the classes meet this condition.
在这个示例中,我选择在类满足条件时将or b的颜色改成magenta,将动画改成crescendo。
It only requires one to do so, and then the truth will come tumbling out and it will snowball into a crescendo of information.
Popular antipathy to the Banks, which reached a crescendo earlier this year during the bonus season, may in fact be a bit misplaced.
The 1915 introduction of the Twin-Six Packard, one of the first 12-cylinder automobiles, created a crescendo of favorable publicity.
And while the car remains silent, the noise is your head begins to increase. The internal chatter is reaching an unpleasant crescendo.
As it roared to a deafening crescendo, engineers monitored the Kaveri's power output, watching carefully from behind a bullet-proof glass window.
Find a phrase and structure it in a repetitive format that strikes the cadence of a drummer, building to a crescendo ending of a motivational speech.
使用排比句,使之听起来像鼓手打鼓那般有节奏感,使用渐次加强的语气来结束一场激动人心的演讲。 。
Hype for each framework built to a crescendo, but each one failed to meet expectations and some were unmitigated disasters because of their complexity.
He built up to a crescendo of reasons why his fire extinguisher was a "must-have" item, and seemed determined not to let me voice any objections or questions.
So the reasons why karaoke performances sometimes work up to a violent crescendo have less to do with how we interact with one another and more with how we interact with music.
Moreover, the situation could not be made worse, a certain degree of distress is no longer capable of a crescendo, and Thenardier himself could add nothing to this blackness of this night.
Moreover, the situation could not be made worse, a certain degree of distress is no longer capable of a crescendo, and Thenardier himself could add nothing to this blackness of this night.