It is smaller than I'd imagined, a huddle of neat, white-walled buildings arranged around a tall prayer-hall, which an unsmiling young woman, with the obligatory red robe and crew cut, leads me to.
At a recent trade show, Galvin had his crew cut a hole in the side of their model house to expose the structural system because no one realized it was made from containers.
To cut costs, the firm has reduced cabin-crew numbers on long-haul flights from 15 to 14, frozen pay for two years and drawn up a less generous contract for new employees.
That's strange, "said Ye Shi an, 62, a fit man with a crew cut who rides his bike 20 minutes every day - not as for exercise, but as transportation to the park to exercise."
Negroes gave to America jazz and a taste for gaudy clothes, while indians contributed smoking and the crew-cut.
Yahoo sent a crew to cut the grass with string trimmers. Nearly half of the wires were severed in the process.
Yahoo sent a crew to cut the grass with string trimmers. Nearly half of the wires were severed in the process.