Its function in normalizing cultural behavior, modeling cultural personality and adjusting cultural life may restrain criminal act;
As with vengeance of a crime, this act is often filled with great anger, perhaps even more so than for criminal action, although perhaps also tinged with sorrow.
The design is made in the year 2000, based on testing equipment in 2004 was destroyed by several orders the sale of department level cadres, a criminal act! ! !
I cannot find any support for the argument that the respondent's succession to the property should be avoided because of his criminal act, when the laws are silent.
To claim by cheating, alter and pick up others' credit CARDS should not be considered as criminal act Stated in the 196th item in the criminal Law and should be added.
Silk Book Yi Zhuan says that criminal act is caused by the avarice arising from selfadvantage, while accomplishment in ethics is the effective way to bind the avarice.
Secondly discuss the determination of the criminal act of the crime of kidnapping and hold that the criminal act of the crime of kidnapping is a single act: kidnapping.
Commit a crime objective important condition, but the essential condition being formation but including recidivism the marriage partner must have as being not a criminal act.
In view of two layers, the prototype of the crime and the model of the crime, the author separates 'act' into three concepts: natural act, criminal act and act in criminal law.
Conviction and sentencing is a judicial act of the state, the Judiciary behalf of the state for violations of criminal law and criminal ACTS of evaluation and treatment of behavior.
Economic order is violated indirectly by criminal act and the institution of financial management isn't violated inevitably by criminal act, so they aren't the object of this crime.
In Steven Spielberg's sci-fi thriller, psychic mutants immersed in goo foresee criminal activity so that Tom Cruise and his "precrime" officers can arrest would-be suspects before they act.
The harmful ACTS must be distinguished from those similar concepts like the act in criminal law, the criminal act and the act evaluated by criminal law, and it must be interpreted again.
The duress in British and America criminal law is a seemingly criminal act that is carried out under the stress of others or circumstance, but in reality it has legal grounds for defence.
They also said 41 was the number who rebelled in October last year over an attempt to make using insulting language a criminal act which was then the biggest rebellion of Cameron's premiership.
For the purposes of this article however, if an act is tested and proven erroneous on the offending parties' part, but destruction is caused, it is ruled out as accidental as opposed to criminal.
The traditional viewpoints of the theory of criminal constitution that the dangerous act is one of the objective elements confuse the object of cognition with the intermediate of cognition.
In case illegal act has constituted a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law, and criminal punishment shall not be substituted by administrative punishments.
Criminal law about convicting and sentencing the act of tax evasion provides double standards, namely the amount of tax evaded and the percent of total taxes payable.
The Act also contains the usual panoply of provisions on civil and criminal penalties, judicial enforcement, judicial review, hybrid rulemaking, and preemption.
It has very important meanings on the criminal procedure law that the defendant pleads guilty, it can cause the emergence and change of certain procedures in the lawsuit as a kind of juristic act.
Criminal punishment of the hazards of social behavior is the most powerful weapon, serious violations of civil right to privacy act should belong to the object of punishment.
Extended custody is a kind of illegal act that seriously infringes upon the just right of criminal suspects and defendants, and it is difficult to solve once and for all in practice.
Urgent act of rescue doesn't need to bear criminal responsibility regulated in Chinese criminal law. Expecting possibility is an important criminal law theory in continent law system.
The Afterwards act of impunity is a concept who is created in Civil law. In Foreign criminal law theory, the Afterwards act of impunity is always attributed to the competing theory in criminal law.
The Afterwards act of impunity is a concept who is created in Civil law. In Foreign criminal law theory, the Afterwards act of impunity is always attributed to the competing theory in criminal law.