Business leaders use a system called Critical Path Analysis to plan large-scale business projects.
Maybe we don't need continuous critical path analysis, but we still have specialists that are not permanently dedicated to the team.
Tools used in this process include critical path method, schedule compression, what-if scenario analysis, resource leveling, and critical chain methods.
This paper discusses the application of adjacency matrix at the algorithm's analysis for traversing Graph, Minimum cost Spanning Tree, Topological sort and Critical Path.
In this paper, on the basis of static timing analysis, a new method is employed to enhance the efficiency of FPGA partition by extracting the information of critical path-delay.
We accomplished the full-chip static timing analysis of X microprocessor, and made a detailed analysis such as critical-path checking in the circuit.
Given the critical signals, it USES techniques of data flow analysis to acquire the critical path set and choose the critical path coverage to be the fitness function used in the GA.
Basic project planning, critical path, critical chain, or PERT analysis may mitigate such failings.
Basic project planning, critical path, critical chain, or PERT analysis may mitigate such failings.