In a long time, owing to the prevalence of play of palace of qing dynasty and the climate of "story" history, it is a increasingly critical phenomenon that history people be fabricated arbitrarily.
Zelizer is highly critical of this approach, and emphasizes instead the opposite phenomenon: the power of social values to transform price.
As far as I am concerned, we should take a critical attitude to treat this phenomenon.
We deal with this localized phenomenon critical.
We investigate the effect of network topology on the critical coupling parameters in mutual synchronization phenomenon.
The phenomenon of the lagging water bursting is explained applying crevice inferior critical spreading .
Based on analyzing the micro critical seepage phenomena of gas-liquid two-phase flow in a single fracture, a random and compound mathematical model was constructed to describe this phenomenon.
A prominent phenomenon in the theoretical construction of China's humanities is the doctrinism of early critical theories.
The phenomenon of the peak effect in high temperature superconductors, which is characterized by a fast increase of critical current with increase of magnetic field, is discussed.
文章介绍了高温超导体中的“尖峰效应” ,即临界电流随着磁场增加反而升高的反常现象。
In view of above-mentioned argument, the fractal mechanism of critical system and the critical opalescence phenomenon are interpreted.
At the same time, this thesis also introduces another result of research on the critical flux phenomenon for understanding it deeply.
The results also show that in the intensity evolution and the track change of the cyclonic vortex, nonlinear critical point phenomenon appears obviously.
When gas flow velocity in a wellbore is less than a critical gas flow velocity maintaining continuous flowing back in a gas well, a liquid carrying phenomenon occurs in the gas well.
Technology, as a most critical issue and fundamental phenomenon, calls attention of postmodernist philosophy.
In particular, a critical exploration of the social networking phenomenon is presented and an evaluation of the impact one-commerce and e-business is discussed.
Cavitation phenomenon may be found in this elastic-plastic material. Formulae between the cavity radius and the stretch were obtained. The critical stretch was given too.
The critical factor causing the arc length fluctuation to affect the input heat power to the anode proves to be the phenomenon of the current dispersion in plasma arc itself.
The main causes of this phenomenon are the Enlightenment secular sense, new literary critical idea and the prosperity of popular literature.
The problem such as the critical flow velocity at which fluid elastic instability phenomenon begin to occur, the reciprocal action on neighboring tubes in different helical radius, and that.
Ever since Han Han made his critical comments on some "masters", he himself has been bombarded by an avalanche of criticisms, which is quite a natural phenomenon.
This paper analyzes the cause of critical-competition phenomenon in relay-contactor control in the Etectrotechnician course and introduced methods to prevent it.
In the practice of analyzing and designing of relay-contactor circuits, the critical-competition phenomenon is usually ignored, causing failures in reaching the intended purpose or even damages.
In 1924, Einstein predicted the phenomenon of condensation for an ideal gas of neutral atoms obeyed Bose-statistics under the temperature below critical value.
The cause for this phenomenon is many-sided, however, employment information is the critical fact that influence on the university graduates to find suitable jobs.
The cause for this phenomenon is many-sided, however, employment information is the critical fact that influence on the university graduates to find suitable jobs.