Atomic means that the critical section is contained within the API function.
Make sure this copying happens inside the critical section by holding a spinlock.
Write a standard lock plus "double check" to create a critical section around a variable access.
Based on the stress analysis on the critical section, this paper presents a simple calculation method.
For a method that enters a critical section, validate that the method does not return before it is released.
Before entering the critical section, the lock method of the ReentrantLock object is invoked to try and obtain the lock.
A critical section is an object used to make sure, that some part of the code is executed only by one thread at a time.
Then net effect is that we will end up with a longer critical section which may result in other threads stalling and reduced throughput.
Interrupt disabling is one of the key mechanisms used to ensure that a sequence of kernel statements is treated as a critical section.
This allows us to minimize the amount of work in the critical section which should bias the measurement towards the cost of synchronization.
The bending normal stress amplitudes of the nodes in the critical section near crankshaft fillet were obtained by modal expanded computation.
Minimizing time spent in the critical section allows for greater concurrency because it reduces the time other threads must wait to gain the lock.
If the underlying function is in the middle of a critical section and a signal is generated and handled, this can cause the function to be non-reentrant.
Critical sections operate on the principle of mutual exclusion (when a thread is within a critical section, all other threads are excluded from entering).
临界段操作时坚持互斥锁(mutual exclusion)原则(当一个线程处于临界段中时,其他所有线程都不能进入临界段)。
Also, the administrator can check for dead applications or those that are reporting they are in a critical section of the program, like long updates to reporting.
Sample pretreatment is the critical section in residue determination, it's the key indicator to measure the advancement and practicability of a new determination method.
When the thread that has the lock leaves the critical section, the suspended thread needs to be woken up. The thread will need to be re-scheduling and context switched back into the CPU.
In this section, we define "level of abstraction" and introduce those levels of abstractions which that are critical to SOA.
This section provides some useful ammunition for treating architecting as a critical part of the software development process.
The order of the child elements is critical as it corresponds to the order of columns described in the metadata section.
You had to be a careful reader of "The world in figures" section to spot that Greece's fiscal deficit could turn critical or that Ireland faced an outside chance of default.
The final and most critical touch of this scene will be covered later in the post production section.
This paper theoretically analyzes the critical force in metal hoisting boom structure of lattice type and variable section.
This paper theoretically analyzes the critical force in metal hoisting boom structure of lattice type and variable section.