To contain AIDS, has reached a critical state.
Critical-exit code 2-indicates a service is in critical state.
There exists a critical state as cooling in supersonic region of shock layer.
Generate a notification when any of the following servers are in a warning or critical state.
Then, the critical state lines are provided based on the test results of different stress paths.
Generate a notification when any of the following connectors are in a warning or critical state.
Expound the finite element method about elasticity buckle and the method about how to judge critical state.
The rock strain softening after rock peak and the shear expansion properties affect the plastic critical state.
Based on the anisotropy induced by the critical state line, the idea of transformation of stress space is presented.
As soon as this critical state has been reached, an adjacent state becomes possible, which we call the buckled state.
"The models only showed similar patterns of synchronisation to the brain when they were in the critical state," says Bullmore.
In the manufacturing process of azimuth controller, we discover that the following error often lie in the critical state.
For critical state model, the author derives an explicit formula of matrix h, which is used in implicit computation scheme.
It has been found that for the machine turning around the vertical axis is the most critical state through an practical example.
A series of triaxial compression tests were performed to investigate the deformation characteristics and critical state of sand.
It destabilizes the mass and electrical equilibrium of the gas atoms, bringing them into a critical state for energy utilization.
Those experiments found the fluctuation of reaction rates of minerals in water in the case of crossing the critical state of water.
Conclusions: to prevent infection and avoid MG critical state are the key factors that can be prevented to decrease the death rate.
During normal, full-power operation, the neutron population in a core is stable (remains the same) and the reactor is in a critical state.
It is suggested that the condition under which the engine could not normally operate be regarded as the critical state for the crack.
Provided two contact bodies are in the critical state of relative sliding, the tangential force is proportional to the vertical force.
This landslide's stability is in critical state under the condition of no rain. It will easily slide affected by the induction factor.
And asymptotic state is a more common concept than critical state, which is a particular case when volumetric strain increment equals zero.
The critical state of a system, with the one-phase state being close to the boundary of stability conditions breaking, is discussed in detail.
The periodic oscillators at critical state are immune to noise and have sensitive dependence on weak sine signals or phase-coded signals at the same time.
Solution of differential equation of specimen compliance in critical state is derived for short chevron-notched bar splitting specimen by method of fracture work.
The normal consolidation line, the critical state line and the strength envelope line are determined from the laboratory tests, and equations of these lines are given.
The concept of introducing critical repeated stress level into the Carter Model is expounded based on the critical state soil mechanics; and the Carter Model is modified.
在满足一般力学原理和临界状态土力学理论的基础上 ,本文将亚塑性理论与临界状态土力学相结合 ,推出了一个计算无粘性土静止土压力系数的理论公式 。
The concept of introducing critical repeated stress level into the Carter Model is expounded based on the critical state soil mechanics; and the Carter Model is modified.
在满足一般力学原理和临界状态土力学理论的基础上 ,本文将亚塑性理论与临界状态土力学相结合 ,推出了一个计算无粘性土静止土压力系数的理论公式 。