For critical state model, the author derives an explicit formula of matrix h, which is used in implicit computation scheme.
Using the principles of the finite element and critical state model, this paper discusses a method to calculate the magentic force between High Temperature Superconducting and Permanent magnets.
Virtualization of the entity lifecycle through Object Flow Diagrams, a basic model that captures both events and state transitions, is critical in this model.
State Transition Diagrams are optionally used to model critical real-time responses to complex events requiring special treatment.
Now, in an age when every company serious about commerce and the survival of its business model in the twenty-first century has a Web site, issues of state are critical.
On the basis of this paper, the model of the nonequilibrium system has been standardized. The dissipative condition of the critical reference state in nonequilibrium phase transform is analysed.
The peculiarity of this wellbore stability model is to determine whether the wellbore rock is in the critical plastic state rather than elastic limit state.
The concept of introducing critical repeated stress level into the Carter Model is expounded based on the critical state soil mechanics; and the Carter Model is modified.
在满足一般力学原理和临界状态土力学理论的基础上 ,本文将亚塑性理论与临界状态土力学相结合 ,推出了一个计算无粘性土静止土压力系数的理论公式 。
The concept of introducing critical repeated stress level into the Carter Model is expounded based on the critical state soil mechanics; and the Carter Model is modified.
在满足一般力学原理和临界状态土力学理论的基础上 ,本文将亚塑性理论与临界状态土力学相结合 ,推出了一个计算无粘性土静止土压力系数的理论公式 。