This paper presents a method of using BP artificial neural network to describe crop water model.
At present, usually parameters and systems have been optimized by least square techniques and dynamic programming in the research of crop water model and crop response to water and salt.
The crop water stress index (CWSI) model for monitoring summer maize water stress in North China Plain (NCP) was set up in this paper.
ISAREG is an irrigation scheduling simulation model based on the concept of crop water requirements and soil water balance.
从作物需水量的基本概念出发,以水量平衡原理为基础,建立了模拟农田根层土壤水循环的计算机模型- IS AREG。
Soil's optimum water content for crop (sunflower) stages in different salty soil has been get by GA-ANN coupling model.
The optimized model is applied to predict the crop water requirements of Shulehe irrigation area to provide guidance for crop irrigation in the irrigation area.
Based on field experiment, the model of water transfer and consumption, crop water (-fertilizer)-production function of winter wheat and their application were studied.
From the view of the computing times, service effects and monitoring results, the simplified crop water shortage index model was more suitable for practical use.
The effective hemisphere model (EHM) lodged by BenAsher can apply in drip irrigation system design and field crop soil water management.
由Ben - A sher等提出的等效半球模型EHM (EffectiveHemisphereModel)可用于滴灌系统设计和田间滴灌作物土壤水分的管理。
Practical application shows that the model is helpful to reduce irrigation water application and to improve crop yield and production profit.
According to hilly areas of economic crops for water-saving technologies and equipment Research, which need to get water demanding information and crop irrigation model.
The concept of crop water requirements was discussed, based on which the calculation model of crop water requirements was established.
The utility model can solve the problem of crop irrigation in hilly area, with effects of saving water source and human power reached simultaneously.
The utility model can solve the problem of crop irrigation in hilly area, with effects of saving water source and human power reached simultaneously.