This change starts with the 2009 crop year.
They also plant the same crop year after year, depleting the nutrients in the soil.
The findings suggest that thinning during the on-crop year can increase the value of off-year pecan crops.
The researchers advise growers to investigate the effects of thinning or pruning to reduce the number of fruit in early summer of the on-crop year.
India, which produced about 310 million kilograms of tobacco in 2008-09 crop year, exports to major markets such as Europe, Vietnam, Belgium, Russia and Germany.
On the other hand, subtler differences can be striking, but are difficult to communicate and, above all, may not be consistent from crop year to crop year or from farm to farm.
To take an extreme example, farmlands dominated by a single crop are so unstable that one year of bad weather or the invasion of a single pest can destroy the entire crop.
Each year ten percent of the crop is lost to a pest called corn rootworm.
The U.S. government says that this year's corn crop should be about 8 percent more than last year.
It has consequences: South Africa's ongoing drought—the worst in three decades—will cost at least a quarter of its corn crop this year.
Plantings of cotton bioengineered to produce its own insecticide against bollworms, a major cause of crop failure, sustained little bollworm damage until this year.
The Australian Open is not only the first grand slam tournament of the year, it also marks the introduction of the new crop of junior players.
Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop. - Ansel Adams.
Almost a third of the US corn harvest will be diverted into ethanol for motors this year, or 12pc of the global crop.
But because the virus is so adept at eluding the body's immune system via mutation, many new varieties crop up each year.
America's farmers will devote more acres to the crop this year, but cotton still has to compete for space with similarly booming crops such as wheat, corn and soyabeans.
Worryingly for those betting on a swift economic recovery, business schools reckon that next year could yield an even bigger crop of applicants.
Iowa, which leads the country in corn production, will use 58% of its crop for ethanol this year.
Farmers in other areas, such as the Red River valley of North Dakota and Minnesota, say they probably could harvest a conventional crop next year.
The International Grains Council, an industry group, now expects a record wheat crop this year, 9% bigger than last year’s.
This year the share of the maize (corn) crop going into ethanol in America has risen and the European Union is implementing its own biofuels targets.
Also, our farm produces food continuously - one crop after another, all year-round.
Yuri Khramtsov, manager of a farm in the Kursk region, expects a strong crop this year.
The crop looks as good as last year, and I've saved money on the pesticide.
The crop looks as good as last year, and I've saved money on the pesticide.