At a busy road in front of a gate of Bishan Middle School, the crosswalk is installed to keep the students safe when they cross the road after school.
Let's say you meet a day-older version of yourself just before you cross through the front of the gate and jump backward in time, as if you will hang around for a day to greet yourself in the past.
This split is represented by a diamond (a gate element or gateway in BPMN terminology) with a cross inside it.
XOR gate: If the gate has a cross sign inside it, it's used to split one path into several paths.
The Qing dynasty, Xitang Town, the first gate is not a bridge, cross the pedestrian wishes to cross the river to be ferried.
That people go cross the road under the flyover, jam in business quarter, plug at the gate of schools when busy time and so on are all hard stick of the city .
During the drivage of main-gate in long-wall face with fully mechanized caving mining, the gate is hard to support due to its loose and broken roof, large cross-section and long span.
Once it was snowing hard, but I saw my headmaster still standing at the school gate. She helped pupils cross the road.
The audience hall can be approached from the south-east; the visitor first has to pass a gate and then has to cross a bridge over the river Pulvar.
大厅的观众可以从东南方的游客首先要通过一个大门 ,然后跨了一座桥梁横跨河道Pulvar 。
The red star industry group is situated at Changsha south gate well bend, is a cross-province, the city, cross profession, joint stock system group.
The red star industry group is situated at Changsha south gate well bend, is a cross-province, the city, cross profession, joint stock system group.