Each of these rather large areas contains cross-referencing in order to provide further helpful lexical information.
Other techniques for cross-referencing data.
Performing complex cross-referencing with the data in reports
Table showing a cross-referencing of impact and duration of disk errors.
Relationships can be configured for cross-referencing primary keys between endpoints.
It allows for improved consistency and completeness checks as well as improved cross-referencing.
The design team must be diligent in reading and cross-referencing the manufacturer's documentation.
Extensive cross-referencing, a glossary and a comprehensive index make this book an essential reference.
The final article in this three-part series covers other ways of cross-referencing data, including joining tables.
三篇文章组成的系列中的最后一篇文章,将会讨论交替引用数据的其他方式,包括交接表格 。
James Joyce wrote Ulysses and Finnegan's Wake as a network of ideas colliding, cross-referencing, and shifting upon each reading.
The final shortcoming of the masterplan which surfaced through the cross-referencing was the general lack of a comprehensive landscape strategy.
Although Leeds could create a nice plaza, the cross-referencing with historical types showed that the design would never stand out to create urban identity.
Here we present the first database developed for storing, retrieving and cross-referencing neuroscience information about the connectivity of the avian brain.
When WebSphere InterChange Server V4.2 USES cross-referencing to synchronize keys in various applications, it USES DB2 stored procedures to actually implement the logic.
当WebSphereInterChangeServerV4.2使用交叉引用来对各种应用程序中的键进行同步时,它实际上是使用DB 2存储过程来实现逻辑。
Deep Web technologies hold the promise of achieving similar benefits at a much lower cost, by automating the process of analyzing database structures and cross-referencing the results.
The prospect of mashing up, cross referencing and user interfacing with this amount of data is nearly unfathomable.
各种各样的“mashing up(混组)”、交叉引用、用户接口,这些巨量数据的应用前景是不可估量的。
The prospect of mashing up, cross referencing and user interfacing with this amount of data is nearly unfathomable.
各种各样的“mashing up(混组)”、交叉引用、用户接口,这些巨量数据的应用前景是不可估量的。