At a busy road in front of a gate of Bishan Middle School, the crosswalk is installed to keep the students safe when they cross the road after school.
Let's say you meet a day-older version of yourself just before you cross through the front of the gate and jump backward in time, as if you will hang around for a day to greet yourself in the past.
This split is represented by a diamond (a gate element or gateway in BPMN terminology) with a cross inside it.
XOR gate: If the gate has a cross sign inside it, it's used to split one path into several paths.
The Qing dynasty, Xitang Town, the first gate is not a bridge, cross the pedestrian wishes to cross the river to be ferried.
The audience hall can be approached from the south-east; the visitor first has to pass a gate and then has to cross a bridge over the river Pulvar.
大厅的观众可以从东南方的游客首先要通过一个大门 ,然后跨了一座桥梁横跨河道Pulvar 。
The red star industry group is situated at Changsha south gate well bend, is a cross-province, the city, cross profession, joint stock system group.
The red star industry group is situated at Changsha south gate well bend, is a cross-province, the city, cross profession, joint stock system group.