One chilly night when I was hiking in the Rocky Mountains with some students, I mentioned that we were going to cross a mountain stream.
Or is she an elfish spirit, who, as the legends of our childhood taught us, is forbidden to cross a running stream?
'It's not a major income stream, but I do see some cash flow and a way to cross-promote' her real-estate business, she says.
What has most excited the conspiracy theorists is that Nis is close to the point where a controversial planned gas pipeline, South Stream, will cross Serbian territory.
The man keeps pulling at the donkey, but it is no use. After a while the donkey finally gets up and they cross the stream.
The mountainous area accounts for 94% in Yaan. There is a great difference in the height of hypsography, and stream is rapid, and the tectonics cross the west geosyncline and east platform.
It is shown that HBSIP behaves a good switching performance, and also avoids control information and data stream spreading out of the domain when the mobile terminal is moving cross in the domain.
He handed me a piece of paper on which he had sketched the river, a place where we could leave our car, a footpath and points at which large boulders made it possible to cross the cold stream on foot.
Cross the stream and turn right. After walking for a while, you will come to a hill.
No sooner had he wished this than by the power of the Jinn a bridge rose out of the stream by which he was enabled to cross to the island.
The model is applied to forecast the variation process of main stream direction, cross section and channel slope of a conceptualized curved river under the erosion of clear water.
It is assumed that the minor stream cross major stream under absolute priority gap acceptance theory. Minor stream is assumed to arrive at a Poisson process.
Once under the elevated 4th Ring, you cross and turn left to follow the road round to where a stream vanishes under the Sihui Bridge.
I was going to cross the stream on a fallen log but at the last minute I lost my nerve and went the long way round by the bridge.
I was going to cross the stream on a fallen log but at the last minute I lost my nerve and went the long way round by the bridge.