The best way to cross reference and document all of you research is to paste it into a spreadsheet or word processing document.
Thus, you show more than one table of data at once in a report, plus you can cross-reference the data sets to show more complex information.
The ability to cross-reference different sets of data with factors like geographic location is really exciting.
Temporary conversion to triples is a great way to do ad-hoc data integration if you want to cross-reference between disparate sources or enhance data from one source with data from another.
This makes it nice and easy to cross reference all of the features, benefits and technology other products offer.
CBDI claims to go beyond traditional EA frameworks with the CBDI-SAE reference framework by addressing cross-domain issues as well as providing the right level of detail to EA practitioners.
CBDI声称CBDI -SAE参考框架已经超越了传统的EA框架,它重点解决了跨域的问题并向EA人员提供了恰当的细节信息。
Most important, he has pushed through legislation to allow the finance police and civilian inspectors to cross-reference data from different sources, including bank accounts.
So we need to remove that cross reference and we'll be seeing how to do that later.
Faculty members almostuniversally specialize in one functional area and typically lack the expertiseto teach (or sometimes even to cross-reference) material from others.
Its name is a derivation of the adjective "sartorial," a reference to what was the traditional cross-legged position of tailors (or "sartors") at work.
Then write a desire and intention list. Cross-reference these lists and see if your to-do actions line up with your desires and intention, the things that are important to you.
Tax ID, however, may be one of the fields that will be copied to the target system for records with cross-reference matches.
No point in belaboring the obvious: Writer's cross-reference tool continues to be arcane and usable only when some custom fields or macros are added to automate the process.
Nopointin belaboring theobvious:writer的交叉引用工具继续保持神秘,且仅在一些定制区域或者添加了一些可自动运行的宏的部分。
I'd like to turn your attention to the cross-concept matrix shown in Part 1 to use as a reference as the series continues to analyze PaaS.
We could make some cross-reference queries to look for domain administrators that have the Password never expires attribute set (a part of the userAccountControl attribute).
This makes it easier to cross-reference the data with DBpedia data.
Thus, you must cross-reference the unique IDs in the LIVE_WORKITEMS_CNT table to the values in the ENUMERATIONS table.
If you cross-reference Figure 2 with Table 1, you can identify the Geronimo deployment plan in each type of archive file. Geronimo lets you choose where to place these deployment plans.
Note: These readings may vary due to the ambient temperature conditions and manufacturer's specifications. It is always wise to cross reference with the manufacturer's technical data.
To solve the problem of ellipse - object - shape parameters detection in noise image, a new detection algorithm using nonlinear data fitting model and cross-reference iterative method is proposed.
Scientists then cross-reference these emotions against surroundings, the time of day and the caller's relationship with the person they are speaking to.
Thompson's projection used a day-by-day count to cross -reference the Mayan to the European calendar rather than a count of years.
Cross reference should be made to the receipts in numerical sequence and entered in the "receipt" column in Section I.
Modulating twice the signal to be tested and cross correlating it in turn with two reference signals, we are able to do so.
Objective To explore the application of nonlinear mixed models in ordered categorical data of cross-over trial analysis and hence provide methodology reference.
To analyze and evaluate the nutrients of the Cross Bridge Rice Noodles, so as to provide scientific reference for improving the process and quality of this traditional food.
Based on the logical isomorphism, the "schemata" in the poet's poems can be associated with the real life situations, their cross-reference role to real life coming into being.
Neutral current neutral current is the current that flows in the neutral leg of a paralleling system. Often, this term is used in reference to circulating currents or cross currents.
Neutral current neutral current is the current that flows in the neutral leg of a paralleling system. Often, this term is used in reference to circulating currents or cross currents.