The number, density and cross sectional area of regenerated nerve fibers were measured.
Of their relatively small cross sectional area , which does not allow them to sustain high stress.
The connection between cells shall be made of lead or lead alloys and have enough cross sectional area.
The ratio of aircraft length to maximum cross sectional area also influences the intensity of the sonic boom.
The new flap keeps essentially the same profile, but with a reduced cross sectional area at its extremities.
After measuring the height, their right hips were scanned with ct and the mini cross sectional area of femoral neck was detected.
Upsetting. Upsetting is the process of increasing the cross sectional area by displacement of material longitudinally and radially.
The cross sectional area of the distributing concrete every unit length should be not suitable less than 35% of the ratio of reinforcement;
The contactless electrostatic resonance method to determine the cross sectional area of conductive and unconductive monofilament was introduced.
On the basis of the curve equation of the profilogram deduced exactly, this paper obtains an exact calculating method for the cross sectional area of gear.
The hot zone is formed by cutting a double spiral slot which reduces the cross sectional area through which current flows, resulting in higher resistance than the cold end.
Time dependent calculation for a suddenly imposed pressure gradient has shown that variation of the cross sectional area reduces inertial effect in the contraction flow region.
Students will determine the relative stiffness of two aluminum beam test specimens of equal cross sectional area but different cross-sectional shape and see how they conform to theory.
The results of performance measurement test show that tensile-strength, contraction of cross sectional area, elongation percentage, dynamic ductility of the weld all exceed their base metal.
So this will be the length of the femur d and this will be the thickness, d A and this will be the cross-sectional area A.
Inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the rod.
The resistance of a conductor varies directly with its length, conversely with its cross-sectional area.
That would give me a cross-sectional area of eight times ten to the minus five square meters.
Coil resistance is determined by the cross-sectional area and length of the wire used in winding the coil.
Animals were killed at two or six weeks after injury, and the muscles were analyzed for weight, cross-sectional area, myosin fiber-type composition, and fat content.
When a ductile material is tested, the reduction in cross-sectional area due to waisting causes an increased stress without an increased force, to ensure that extension proceeds uniformly.
Conclusions. These data resole the controersy that the multifidus cross-sectional area reduces rapidly after lumbar injury.
It affects muscle size through muscle fiber hypertrophy with an increase in the cross-sectional area of muscle fiber.
In other words, it does this by varying the cross-sectional area in an exacting form.
Shielding layer conductivity is made together with the semiconductive layer adopts metal strip or wire cross-sectional area and the resistivity is determined by the.
Under the premise of the weight of the entire truss structure satisfying certain constraints, it achieved the minimum flexibility by optimizing the cross-sectional area of the bar.
采用的力学准则为满应变设计准则; 在整个桁架结构重量满足一定约束的前提下,通过优化各杆件截面积,达到整体柔度最小。
In order to avoid a singular solution, we keep the dimension of the truss for a given topology unchanged by giving the truss member to be removed a tiny cross-sectional area.
Thecal sac cross-sectional area was calculated at each disc space.
Statistical analysis for cross-sectional area ratios of chord and web members commonly used in steel roof trusses are also provided for reference in predictng fundamental calculation parameters.
Statistical analysis for cross-sectional area ratios of chord and web members commonly used in steel roof trusses are also provided for reference in predictng fundamental calculation parameters.