Application by mail should be paid by crossed cheque or credit card. Please do not send cash.
Where an uncrossed cheque, or a cheque crossed generally, is sent to a banker FOR collection, he may cross it specially to himself.
Registration form should be submitted together with a crossed cheque payable to " Paper Communication Exhibition Services" on or before 27/3/2008.
请 于2008年3月27日前填妥此表格,并连同表格和划线支票(支票抬头「讯通展览公司」)一并寄回。
Download the Donation Form, fill it up, together with the crossed cheque, make payable to "Public Free Clinic Society" and mail it to our Society.
Cheque - Crossed and made payable to "God's Glory Ministry Limited" and mail to our office with this form.
Cheque - Crossed and made payable to "God's Glory Ministry Limited" and mail to our office with this form.