Don't worry about crossing over the tracks.
Moose reached Isle Royale in Lake Superior by crossing over winter ice and multiplied freely there in isolation without predators.
It is believed to have originated in South America in the early 1900s, and later spread to Europe before crossing over to sub-Saharan Africa.
Crossing over the Pacific Ocean.
Crossing over from Internet and platform gaming to mobile gaming.
The hymn doesn't anywhere refer to people crossing over on dry land.
If the borders are closed, then I have no way of crossing over completely.
How we feel we're crossing over the top of the season I show you girls can rock!
Maybe it served as a bridge for cars to force a crossing over rivers and other natural barriers.
Crossing over at the front of the stroke causes you to snake in the water. This pulls you off course.
In type 3 (30.6%), the deep peroneal nerve and the artery were crossing over each other at multiple levels.
If you're having trouble with crossing over, make sure the hands "feel" wider than you think they should be.
Crossing over this very sharp dividing line that we have made between humans and the rest of life is very taboo.
And as VoIP gains steam, telecommunications are increasingly crossing over into the network administration arena.
Conclusion: Homologues pairing in mice is in different ways, the number of chiasmata and crossing over is various too.
Today, graffiti has entered the cultural mainstream, crossing over to the realms of studio art, design and advertising.
After crossing over mountains and wading through rivers, Daniel and I have finally arrived at the beautiful Kanas Lake.
Hanchang railway is crossing over the boundary with 18 goods and passengers stations and such stations is the most in China.
I am there to assist in the crossing over of humans back into the spiritual realm once their time in the physical is complete.
On Tuesday, Algerian officials said Col Gaddafi's daughter Aisha had given birth to a baby girl hours after crossing over from Libya.
These is much more here - as we time traveled note the arm with the wrist watch crossing over from the left of me passing over my mouth.
From head on, someone watching you would see your arms coming straight out of your shoulders and not crossing over in front of your head.
What is more, you have to hurry on the way, braving the scorching sun and burdened with luggage, while crossing over the mountains and slopes.
So mildly disappointed we wandered along the banks of the river Thames crossing over the Millennium Bridge before making our way back on the other side.
Seven camps have been set up for the displaced people, the Yunnan news website Yunnan. cn said, and a few small groups are still crossing over into China.
据云南新闻网站Yunnan .cn,已经为流离失所者建立7个难民营,还有一些小股的难民正在涌向中国。
Narrow two-lane road lays in the middle of dry dirt and sand plain, surrounded by dust devils twirling their way on either side, and occasionally crossing over.
Now take that piece of dangling gold thread and go back and forth over and around the angel, crossing over the chest and back and under the arms to secure it all.
Now take that piece of dangling gold thread and go back and forth over and around the angel, crossing over the chest and back and under the arms to secure it all.