Neighbours eventually levered open the door with a crowbar.
Michael paces with a crowbar over his shoulder.
To threaten Kimberly, Dan smashes Janet's arm with a crowbar.
I used the crowbar to pry it loose, then moved to the Trolley.
I pried it loose with a crowbar and hoisted it into the wheelbarrow.
Is that why you're here trying to open your father's files with a crowbar?
Enter the boiler room and pick up the CROWBAR hanging on the left arch pillar.
I had my crowbar in one hand, and the other hand played with the matches in my pocket.
Adopt overvoltage crowbar, intelligent charging, usage safe, take care of your handset.
This may seem abnormal to people who try to crowbar as much as possible into every workday.
"It doesn't have name," John replied. "But perhaps from now on, we should call its crowbar."
Now, In my view this crowbar would be Ideal for jimmying open the door In the corridor adjacent to the kitchen.
Delicate design, being portable. Adopt overvoltage crowbar, intelligent charging, usage safe, take care of your handset.
This fellow was porcine to such a degree that he could not fit through the average doorframe without the aid of a crowbar.
Use the Crowbar to enter the Drivers Quarters, sneak through Into the Vehicle Compound, and then stow away In the back of a truck.
If you do not want to take very big IGBTs you have to use a crowbar at the generator side to protect the system against over voltage.
Customers spend 20 minutes smashing items with either a baseball bat, crowbar or hammer at 'the Rage Cage' in Brinsley, Nottinghamshire.
Use the Brass Key to access the German Store and steal the Crowbar. Let your Co-Pilot (J. D. ) know when the crowbar Is In your possession.
Lisa Marie Coker, a 19-year-old Tampa woman was arrested after she crashed her ex-boyfriend's wedding reception armed with a razor and a crowbar.
Based on study of the characteristic and operating principle of the cold-cathode trigger tube, a self-triggering crowbar circuit applied in MPM is proposed.
This paper introduces the functioning of crow bar circuit and its realization method, introduces different kinds of crowbar circuit and different working mode.
CAUTION: Do not use any sharp tools such as a crowbar or screwdriver on the rubber during installation. Sharp instruments can damage the flange face and cause possible leakage.
The prepulse will result in forming plasma, and further affect the diode performance. To remove or reduce this effect, a crowbar tube with cold cathode was adopted in the accelerator.
Speak again voices of my ancestors, my crowbar, my goat, my books, my eating dish, my water pomp, my hammer, my hoe, my pantry, my bird cage, my bycicle, my flowers, my water gutter, my bed.
The initial approach - try to wrap everything and hide OSGi from the higher level - didn't work out, largely because they were trying to crowbar ways of working into the way OSGi is organised.
The initial approach - try to wrap everything and hide OSGi from the higher level - didn't work out, largely because they were trying to crowbar ways of working into the way OSGi is organised.