This paper introduces auto electronic cruise control system and the structure and principle of its key component.
Once everything has been determined, CDC controls the braking and acceleration like an advanced cruise control system.
This paper researches and analyses the control principle of auto cruise control system and introduces its basic components.
The inspection and repair methods of trouble diagnosis, main part for the cruise control system of Chrysler minivan are introduced.
The basic function, fault self diagnosis and trouble shooting ways of cruise control system on land cruiser auto are introduced in detail.
When the active cruise control system is switched on, Toyota's Lane Keep Assist system engages to help prevent the car from drifting out of its lane.
Then some applications of computer vision are discussed in the orientation assistance navigation system, the self-adapted cruise control system, etc.
A vehicle speed and vehicle to vehicle distance control algorithm for stop-go cruise control system was developed using a control factor and a cost function to provide optimum control.
This paper describes the principle and performance of several kinds of electronic control systems used in buses, such as cruise control system, electromagnetic retarder and global position system.
Similarly, if you're convinced that an intelligent cruise control system will keep you from hitting the car ahead, "you might be inclined to turn on your computer and do something else, " says Lund.
ASL is used separately rather than together with the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system.
This paper introduces the structure and usable condition of the self-adapting radar cruise control technology on TOYOTA and the advantages relative to the common cruise system.
Once in your car, you head for the motorway and select the cruise control, lane support and collision avoidance system, allowing you to concentrate on your favorite radio service.
This paper meets the requirement of the control system of the the small-scale multi-functional ground moving robot and makes it in cruise, swerve, turning over and striding over obstacles.
Taking FORD TEMPO car for example, this paper introduces the structure, maintenance and fault diagnosis of the cruise constant speed control system.
Adaptive cruise control, a blind-spot warning system, and a fancy keyless ignition system that can tell if the S80 has been locked are also available.
顾客还可以选装其它配置,如可变巡航控制、盲点警告系统、以及新潮的无钥匙点火系统- - -该系统可以告诉你车子被锁好了没有。
To reduce the cost of cruise control, so old it easier to install the system on the electrical system electromechanical cruise control parts of the design.
To reduce the cost of cruise control, so old it easier to install the system on the electrical system electromechanical cruise control parts of the design.