Her aim is to slit the throats of men who have betrayed their women and made them cry.
Unfortunately there's no antonym of hapless, which makes it difficult to tell founders what to aim for. "Don't be hapless" is not much of rallying cry.
不幸的是“坐以待毙”没有合适的反义词,这就引起了点麻烦- 在告诉创业者怎么做时,“别等死啊”可听不出一点豪情万丈。
Unfortunately there's no antonym of hapless, which makes it difficult to tell founders what to aim for. "Don't be hapless" is not much of rallying cry.
不幸的是“坐以待毙”没有合适的反义词,这就引起了点麻烦- 在告诉创业者怎么做时,“别等死啊”可听不出一点豪情万丈。