Describes how to create a cryptographic key pair for signing an assembly.
Certificate Services is generating the cryptographic key and setting key protection.
While in decryption, scrambled data is turned back into the original text by using a cryptographic key.
A ticket is provided by an authentication server to the client using a cryptographic key of the intended server.
A digital certificate is a file that binds a public cryptographic key with an identity (a user or an organization).
Unable to store the public cryptographic key of this computer. This computer cannot send or receive encrypted messages.
The public cryptographic key of this computer cannot be stored. This computer cannot send or receive encrypted messages.
The public cryptographic key of this computer cannot be stored. This computer cannot send or receive encrypted messages.
We propose a new cryptographic key dynamic access scheme with time-constraint and can solve the problems we mentioned above.
In the third section, I'll show how you can generate a cryptographic key used for encryption and decryption in Kerberos messaging.
The cryptographic key and cryptographic value of this system possesses stronger anti-translated capability and is easy expanded.
Gets or sets the cryptographic key that is used to verify the digital signature that is identified by this SAML subject statement.
Finally, there is strong authentication in which an identity is verified using two or more methods, such as a password and a cryptographic key.
Copy the cryptographic key and the database from the old computer to the new one. (Make sure the new computer has the same name as the old one.)
The physical name includes the name of the assembly that the code lives in, the version number, the locale, and the cryptographic key associated with the name.
For security, you can combine this functionality with an encryption phase to ensure that the remote file is unreadable without the correct passphrase or cryptographic key.
The data Encryption Standard is a block cipher, meaning a cryptographic key and algorithm are applied to a block of data simultaneously rather than one bit at a time.
Encrypted cryptographic key, which need to be saved in the extern media, was encrypted with Password-Based Encryption technology and was saved in the computer file system.
For example, one schema could define a key element as base64 data for storing a cryptographic key while another schema would define key as an integer for storing a database identifier.
In this paper, the author, under the full grasp of status of quantum cryptographic key research, does research concentrating on the BB84 quantum cryptographic key distribution protocol.
本文在充分掌握了量子密钥研究现状的基础上,重点针对BB 84量子密钥分配协议展开了研究。
With the application of symmetric cipher and asymmetric cipher, a cryptographic key management scheme for hierarchy is presented and a workgroup cryptographic key management scheme is presented.
Defense in depth can also be used to solve the problem of protecting cryptographic authentication information (usually called a key) from people who break into your machine.
Key - a key is cryptographic data which is usually derived from a user's password using specific encryption algorithms.
This feature enables these key security technologies to exploit the hardware cryptographic acceleration facility provided by the ACF.
此特性让这三种关键的安全技术能够利用 ACF提供的硬件密码计算加速设施。
Every time cryptographic authentication is to be used, a password must be given in order to decode the key.
Ciphers are cryptographic algorithms that can reversibly transform data using a key.
This requires that a certificate for the externally visible hostname be stored in a Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) key database file.
这要求将外部可见的主机名的凭证存储在一个CryptographicMessageSyntax (CMS)密钥数据库文件中。
Security credentials for web services Security in the form of JCEKS key stores or the private keys/public certificates required for the specified cryptographic operations
Security credentials for web services security in the form of JCEKS key stores or the private keys or public certificates required for the specified cryptographic operations.
We refer to the Prover-computed response as the presentation proof; it is a cryptographic proof of possession of the private key corresponding to the presented U-Prove token.
我们使用验证方计算的响应作为表示的证据。它是拥有私钥的加密的证据,而私钥是与当前的U -Prove令牌相关的。