Study on the performance of BGO scintillant crystal detector.
The errors caused by light source, optical fiber, electro optic crystal and opto electric detector in optical fiber voltage transducer are presented.
A subsection calibration method for microwave crystal diode detector using stationary wave curve is presented in the paper.
This dissertation includes two parts: the research of anti-coincidence scintillator detector readout for dark matter detection and the developed of BGO crystal calorimeter.
本论文包括两部分内容:暗物质间接探测中的反符合探测器读出研制和束流实验中BG O晶体量能器的改造。
In order to make eligible detector, the fist step is the growth of high quality single crystal.
The technique of high precision trace neutron transmutation doping of detector grade high resistance zone-refined Si mono-crystal is introduced.
Sensor element, which consists of a Fabry-Perot etalon fabricated from single-crystal silicon, connects with the LED and detector by fibers.
Thus the study of PbWO_4 crystal with high light yield is paid considerable attention to develop its applications in medium and low energy such as PET detector.
Thus the study of PbWO_4 crystal with high light yield is paid considerable attention to develop its applications in medium and low energy such as PET detector.