All this, needless to say, had been culled second-hand from radio reports.
The neurons cultivated at Johns Hopkins—unlike those culled from tumors are not cancerous, and accordingly are much more valuable as research tools.
Now it looks as if their editors, too, have been culled.
Already, 150m birds have been culled around the world.
More than 68 000 pigs have died of the virus or been culled.
I culled int and as promised, it's going to yell at me by saying "retry."
Some 600 million chickens have died or been culled in the last five years.
Wild parakeets could be culled before their population runs' out of control.
Use the xargs tool as a filter for making good use of output culled from the find command.
Photographs are culled from launches, expos, and Jobs' other appearances with new products.
Then they culled stem cells from two 7-year-old boys in the early stages of ALD, and mixed in the healthy gene.
Also, compensation for farmers whose flocks are culled is essential for reliable notification of outbreaks.
Using information culled from an Internet search, he explained the holiday's ghoulish origins to homeowners.
'the REAL Stuff White People Like 'thus was born OkTrends, a blog that analyzes user data culled from the dating site.
Pictured above, a wide Angle, deep field image of the Cat's Paw nebula was culled from the second Digitized Sky Survey.
Parakeets living wild in Britain could be culled because they pose a threat to native wildlife and are damaging food crops.
Find posts that have culled the immense Internet for top-quality free design resources in the Six Revisions resources category.
This image, culled from the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service, shows an X-ray of protected snakes seized from a passenger.
这张图片,从澳大利亚海关和边境防卫部门挑选出来,显示了从一个乘客那里缴获的受保护蛇的X - ray照片。
The foundation culled the 104 grantees in the new program from 4, 000 applicants that filled out a two-page application over the Internet.
Sometimes female cubs are culled at the expense of their male siblings, as hunters prefer to kill males because of their impressive manes.
These are real attributes of real bosses, culled from decades of observation, which motivate and inspire employees to perform at their best.
A 32-year-old man, who worked on a farm where poultry were recently culled, developed symptoms on 16 March and was hospitalized the same day.
You'll get a detailed, step-by-step look at what happens when your data is culled from the database and transformed into an ArrayList of beans.
To fight back, Wal-Mart is again emphasizing low prices and adding back thousands of products it had culled in an overzealous bid to clean up stores.
Rating information no longer has to be maintained on one site (which can lead to charges of undue influence) but can be culled from multiple locations.
In Nigeria, for example, some producers are losing their means of livelihood as birds are culled and prices drop and employees on farms are losing their jobs.
In Nigeria, for example, some producers are losing their means of livelihood as birds are culled and prices drop and employees on farms are losing their jobs.