These are the complaints of a north-south culture clash, just as clearly as headlines in Germany asking why Germans should pay for Greeks to retire at 55.
Japan experienced a significant change of culture within just a few years between 1939 and 1949, and so did Germany.
Kinberg says that the low level of corporate support stems from the fact that Finland lacks the kind of art patronage culture that countries like the United States, Britain, and Germany have.
That reputation is bound to be burnished even more this year, now that Istanbul has been named the 2010 European Capital of Culture (a designation it shares with Essen, Germany, and Pecs, Hungary).
In as early as the 17th century, Leibniz took interest in and carefully studied the Chinese culture and became a forerunner of cultural exchanges between China and Germany.
The Chinese Culture Center in Berlin to be constructed soon will become another window for people of Berlin and other parts of Germany to understand China.
Even in Germany, where culture has traditionally been seen as the responsibility of the state, the climate is getting harsher.
As one of the most developed countries in the world, Germany is the birthplace of western modern legal culture and holds a very important status in the world legal history.
Does the true quality of so-called 'building culture' in Germany lie in its breadth, in sound workmanship, in safety?
As a result, the quality of education for students, "Germany" and "only" two aspects of culture is extremely important.
In this paper, some directional experience in small fruit culture in Denmerk and Federal Republic of Germany is narrated emphatically.
Leibniz is the modern Germany guide of philosophy and one of modern western thinkers who paid close attention to and concentrated on the Chinese culture and were fruitful.
There is no substitute for first-hand experience of living in a foreign culture, and as an Irishman living in Berlin, Germany, I can only recommend this course of action.
Germany has a long history, a brilliant culture, and a reputation as a "land of poets and philosophers."
Germany has a long history, a brilliant culture, and a reputation as a "land of poets and philosophers."