This was taught to me by my pipe-smoking guru, an insufferably grouchy old curmudgeon.
If you leave the theater without a smile on your face, then you're really a curmudgeon.
The old curmudgeon was talking about the smothering effects of parental duty on creative lives.
Only a curmudgeon would deny the many benefits that our computers and electronic networks have brought us.
The phrases most used to describe a man who was generous to a fault are "old curmudgeon", "wicked old man", and "wicked old wizard".
最常用来形容一个人对过失很大方的词就是一个“倔老头' ' ',' ' ' '邪恶老人”,和“邪恶精灵' ' ' '。”
His last industry job was with IBM Rational Software, where he was known as "the RUP Curmudgeon" and was also a member of the original Rational Suite team.
As an old curmudgeon who's seen too many fads and useless-or worse, harmful-practices that are blindly followed without fully understanding them, I have come to value.
"May seem like a rhetorical one, especially coming from the former" RUP Curmudgeon, "my nickname inside the Rational organization before I left to pursue an academic career."
Mainly, his essays struck a cord in viewers by pointing out life's unspoken truths or more often complaining about its subtle lies, earning him the "curmudgeon" status he wore like a uniform.
Mainly, his essays struck a cord in viewers by pointing out life's unspoken truths or more often complaining about its subtle lies, earning him the "curmudgeon" status he wore like a uniform.