Iceland may be the world's hardest hit: Last fall, three big Banks, or virtually the entire banking system, collapsed, and the island's currency went into free fall.
Horned herds are a status symbol, a way of storing wealth in a land without a banking system, and the main currency in which dowries are paid.
Poland's banking system is solid, being largely unburdened by the rotten foreign-currency loans made in places such as Hungary and Latvia.
Poland’s banking system is solid, being largely unburdened by the rotten foreign-currency loans made in places such as Hungary and Latvia.
Both the U. K. and U. S. ranked poorly on the stability of the currency and the banking system.
Without interfering with the normal operation of the currency board, we will continue to look for whatever means and ways to improve the liquidity of our banking system.
Without interfering with the normal operation of the currency board, we will continue to look for whatever means and ways to improve the liquidity of our banking system.