This paper USES interest rate premium and term premium to measure currency risk under currency board system.
Recently the Argentina Financial Crisis caused the world to focus the attention on the macroeconomic effect of currency board system.
Thus that part of the monetary base represented by the clearing balance of the banking system was initially not subject to the discipline imposed by a currency board system.
The stable foreign exchange and money market conditions reflected in part the successful implementation of the technical measures to improve the currency board system in September 1998.
This is a mechanism identical to today's currency boards, which is why I say that a gold standard system is like a "currency board linked to gold.
Without interfering with the normal operation of the currency board, we will continue to look for whatever means and ways to improve the liquidity of our banking system.
Without interfering with the normal operation of the currency board, we will continue to look for whatever means and ways to improve the liquidity of our banking system.