The conclusion is clear: the reason for the us trade deficit with China is not about China's currency exchange rate.
Thee conclusion is clear: The reason for the US trade deficit with China is not about China's currency exchange rate.
Floating Exchange Rate A currency exchange rate which is determined by supply and demand in the international Forex market.
控制浮动 同时使用固定和浮动汇率政策以保持一国汇率的稳定。
We build models and make predictions for the currency exchange rate, the prediction errors of adaptive modeling method decrease.
In essence, currency exchange rate is defined as the price of one countrys currency when exchanged into another country's currency.
Tobin tax is used for reducing the fluidity of international capital and the fluctuation of the currency exchange rate via increasing the trade cost.
Through constructing models and making predictions for the currency exchange rate data, we can see that the predictions of combined neural networks are improved.
并对外汇汇率数据进行了模型构造和预测。 结果表明,组合神经网络在模型的拟合精度和预测准确性方面都有提高。
Interest rate parity theory is the basic theory describing the decisive role of divergence in domestic and foreign interest rates to currency exchange rate of a country.
The state must support export product upgrading, but not the use of currency exchange rate policy and fiscal policy should be used as export tax rebates, such as accelerated depreciation.
With the comparison of general price level, the Shanghai 's is 30% of US' s by currency exchange rate, whereas the Shanghai 's price is 1. 1-1. 5 times higher than US' s by PPPs accounting.
总体价格比较,以汇率计算上海药品价格为美国的30%;而以购买力平价计算上海药品价格约为美国的1.1 ~ 1.5倍。
A currency exchange rate that is allowed to be set completely by market forces, differ from the managed floating exchange rate system regulated by the government or pegged exchange rate system.
Currency exchange rate is the price of exchange one country's currency with another country's currency, and it is determined primarily by the supplies and demands in the foreign exchange market.
Because the single currency deprived members of monetary and exchange-rate flexibility, they were likely to need more, not less, fiscal flexibility.
The collapse of the dollar bloc, if it continues, will add to this exchange-rate volatility and in the worst case make it easier for beggar-thy-neighbor currency manipulation.
Europe started a long process towards monetary union, via an exchange-rate mechanism, which resulted in a single and free floating currency 30 years later.
Another was to use foreign currency: the bank could lend, or accept a bill of exchange, in one currency and collect its debt in another, building a hidden rate of interest into the exchange rate.
Whatever the official exchange rate at a changeover, the new currency would quickly find a market level against the euro and other currencies.
A Vietnamese exporter selling to China is exposed to exchange-rate risk: he pays his workforce in dong, the local currency, but receives payment in dollars.
If the exchange rate is supplied, it can even adjust the currency to the base value automatically.
The trade surplus leads to large inflows of foreign currency, which is bought up by the central bank in order to hold down the exchange rate.
Chinese astronauts walk on the moon, the world has splintered into currency blocs after an international exchange rate shock, and even robots have the vote.
The currency crisis manifests itself, however, in the exchange rate to the Swiss franc or the price of gold.
The economic collapse, when inflows of capital halt, can be very painful - even more so if a fixed exchange rate (or currency union) demands a period of falling nominal wages and prices.
French and German exporters at least agreed on a more modest goal: a single currency to end exchange-rate risks within the internal market, including competitive devaluations.
Why? Because if everyone opens up yuan bank accounts, that could increase demand for the currency and push the exchange rate up.
Why? Because if everyone opens up yuan bank accounts, that could increase demand for the currency and push the exchange rate up.