After the extended period of disappointing performance, Chinese shares no longer look so expensive in terms of the current price to earnings ratio.
This helps customers to decide what would be the optimal expansion factor based on their current compression ratio and CPU overhead.
Impedance is related to resistance-which, as generations of schoolchildren have had drummed into them, is the ratio of voltage to current.
Mr Yang said his estimate was based on the current required capital adequacy ratio of 11.5 per cent, net profit growth of 12 per cent and loan growth of 15 per cent over the next five years.
The Swiss have both a fiscal and a current-account surplus, a low inflation rate and a relatively low debt-to-GDP ratio.
In a reversal of current design trends the MIT concept increases the bypass ratio by minimizing expansion of the overall diameter of the engine and shrinking the diameter of the jet exhaust instead.
Under the current plan, Greece's debt-to-GDP ratio is projected to be around 120% by 2020.
Under the current trend, the United States will show a debt-to-GDP ratio above 100% by 2012.
The server's availability index is derived from the ratio between the current response time and the response time in optimum conditions (with no Domino transactions).
The development of a ratio tester for current transformer is introduced.
Britain's housing boom was one of the world's largest; its household debt-to-income ratio is higher than America's; and, as in America, a long consumption boom left a large current-account deficit.
The cash ratio expresses the relationship of cash and cash equivalents to the current liabilities.
More financing for education, for example, would add just 0.4 to 0.7 percentage point to the current 36% consumption-to-GDP ratio.
The price-earnings ratio of the index, covering both the Shanghai and Shenzhen Exchanges, has dropped from the highest point of 53 times to the current 14.36 times, the lowest point since 1995.
Current ratio and interest coverage change, but the rate of decrease of assets and liabilities.
At 23.7, the current ratio is about 45% above its historic average and close to the level of two of the 20th century's four big peaks, in 1901 and 1966.
Pixel aspect: Displays the current camera pixel aspect ratio.
Current ratio indicator of company's ability to pay short-term obligations; calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities.
Just be sure that the account is in good standing and the current balance to limit ratio is below 10%.
Returns the ratio of the current playback position to the total recording length.
Based on this method, analysis has been performed to ct inverse connection and abnormal current ratio.
The computed figures show that the current ratio has realized a tangible improvement from1997to2004.
Ratio of current assets to current liabilities. It is the main liquidity ratio.
Quick ratio is the measurement of the company's ability to reimburse current liabilities and it is an important indicator of current ratio.
Quick ratio is the measurement of the company's ability to reimburse current liabilities and it is an important indicator of current ratio.