Current assets that cannot be classified under the above current asset headings.
This may result from the large size of stock, which is a current asset but is not included in the calculation of QAR.
As a key point of the cost chain, inventory is a less liquidable item which occupy the biggest share in current asset.
Additionally, the design needs to detail decommissioning the current asset, which also requires dependency analysis and planning.
Obviously, you won't find much fixed income exposure in our current asset allocation portfolios given the valuation case laid out above.
Within the current asset category, the items are listed in the order of their liquidity, the most liquid first and the least liquid last.
The most common ratio using current asset and current-liability data is the current ratio, which is current assets divided by current liabilities.
Fixed asset, also known as a non-current asset or as property, plant, and equipment, is a term used in accounting for assets and property which cannot easily be converted into cash.
Current assets Unrestricted cash or other asset held for conversion within a relatively short period into cash or other readily convertible asset or currently useful goods or services.
Current point-to-point information integration does not easily lead to IT asset reuse.
The specific business process request might be based solely on the asset itself, or perhaps the combination of the asset and its current location will determine the action to perform.
Mishkin sees the dotcom boom as less catastrophic because it didn't involve this vicious circle, and he regards the current rise in asset prices as being of this harmless, irrational kind.
Even the severest critics of Mishkin's and King's laid-back approach to the current buying spree accept that some recovery in asset prices - of perhaps 20% - has been justified.
Without regression tests, current and potential consumers will not have adequate confidence in the asset.
The so-called “break-even” rate for inflation has remained close to its current 2.19 per cent through that period, JPMorgan Asset Management says.
摩根大通资产管理公司(JPMorgan Asset Management)称,在此期间,所谓的“损益平衡”通胀率一直保持在当前2.19%的水平附近。
Using IBM Tivoli Asset Management for IT to find your current infrastructure will fill in the gaps that are missed during the walkthrough.
The purpose of Rational Asset Manager is to organize the work completed under your current production model.
In the current crisis, policymakers have advanced a variety of reasons for using capital injections and asset purchases to keep financial institutions going rather than shutting them down.
Improving asset utilization and employee productivity by providing the current location of existing resources.
Improve asset utilization and employee productivity by providing the current location of existing resources.
IFS Applications supports the U.K.Army with asset information for identification, configuration, and maintenance requirements, as well as current usage and owner.
That said, as long as central Banks keep pumping out liquidity at their current rate, asset booms and bubbles are always likely somewhere.
Normally we think that when expectations about future value of an asset go up, the current price will rise, reducing the current demand for that asset.
He is likely to continue the current asymmetric policy of never raising interest rates to curb rising asset prices, but always cutting rates after prices fall.
Update the asset STATUS field to the interpreted value, along with the current location information using ASSETNUM and SITEID as keys.
Update the asset STATUS field to the interpreted value, along with the current location information using ASSETNUM and SITEID as keys.