In a study published in Current Biology, researchers played pairs of made-up words and their supposed meanings like "guga" means elephant, to sleep participants.
That finding appears in the journal Current Biology.
The findings are published in the latest issue of Current Biology.
The results are due to be published this month in Current Biology.
The study, reported in Current Biology, involved a number of experiments.
The researchers reported their results Thursday in the journal Current Biology.
A study in the July 14 issue of Current Biology suggests it's all in how they ask.
Rocking also changed the nature of their sleep, reported in the journal Current Biology.
But a new study in the journal Current Biology shows that the babies actually sound different.
Research published in Current Biology showed the woman felt no fear in a variety of scary situations.
Researchers report in Current Biology that they can affect birds’ patterns of movement on large scales.
Those whose brains produced the most spindles were most immune to the noise, the journal Current Biology reports.
那些大脑产生更多纺锤波的人更容易对噪声免疫,《当代生物(Current Biology)》期刊报道说。
The research published in Current Biology examines the relationship between eggs and the correct number of chromosomes.
一个发表在《当代生物学》(Current Biology)的研究,验证了卵细胞和染色体正确数之间的联系。
But a study in the journal Current Biology suggests that feeding birds in winter can influence their course of evolution.
But a study, published in the journal Current Biology, shows that this song changes over time and spreads around the oceans.
The lead author of a new study in the journal Current Biology suggests she may have a "negative underlying emotional state."
Young female chimpanzees like to play with sticks as if they were dolls, according to a new study in the journal Current Biology.
The findings, published in Current Biology, suggest we may have under-estimated the intelligence of our closest living relatives.
公布在Current Biology上的这项发现,显示出我们有可能低估了人类现存近亲的智力。
And a new study published in the journal Current Biology finds that children with Williams syndrome don't make racial stereotypes.
In a study published Tuesday in Current Biology, researchers address these questions with a genetic analysis of five museum specimens.
Marine ecologist Dr Thomas Wernberg, of the University of Western Australia, and colleagues, report their findings today in Current Biology.
microseminoprotein is the first aggression-triggering compound found in marine animals, the researchers reports this week in Current Biology.
When Current Biology invited me to write a monthly column in the journal, I quickly accepted, thinking that I would be able to dash it off easily.
In an article in Current Biology in February, Dr. Pritchard suggested that a lot of natural selection may take place through what he called soft sweeps.
But as the cabbies learned the Knowledge, their hippocampi grew, literally changing their minds, the researchers report online today in Current Biology.
According to a neuroscience study published today in Current Biology, they’re blessed with a type of brain activity that may essentially block out noise.
Another paper appearing in the same issue of Current Biology describes two mother chimpanzees carrying their dead infants in the Bossou colony in Guinea.
Their analysis, published in journal Current Biology, revealed clear differences in the shape of the newborns’ cry melodies, based on their mother tongue.
Their analysis, published in journal Current Biology, revealed clear differences in the shape of the newborns’ cry melodies, based on their mother tongue.