Sets an unnamed bookmark on the current line in the buffer.
The br element forcibly breaks (ends) the current line of text.
The current line can be vital to a tired diver fighting a current back to the boat.
Fills the current line in the buffer with empty characters (white space) to the given column.
Mr McCain needs to drop his current line of attack if he is to have any chance of doing his own popping.
The latter USES the last line height signal as the reference input of Z-control in the current line scan.
Gets the number of characters following the last character of the line that may trigger reformatting of the current line.
The address specifies the line or lines to work on (the default is the current line), and it can be given in a number of ways.
The function also needs to know the text on the current line, which can be retrieved using getline , and is stored in curr_line.
Moves execution into the next function on the current line, or moves to the next line if there is no function to step into.
GetNextChar USES a buffer to hold one line of input. Two variables store the current line number and the next position in the line.
In our example, a token cannot span multiple lines, therefore first_line and last_line are the same and hold the current line number.
The current call stack for the thread is displayed, and the current line of execution is highlighted in the editor in the Debug perspective.
Then check to see whether the page counter is within the requested range of pages, and if so, write the current line; otherwise do not write.
So instead of improving performance it would seem to be a decrease in performance between their current line and their upcoming release.
Gauss theorem in magnetic field and Ampere cycle theorem, Ampere law, action of magnetic field to current line, cycle and charge in which.
We can also replace the text in the buffer at a given line number or remove the first occurrence of a string in the current line, using this utility.
Adding 1 to this line number gives the start of the range of interest, namely, the first contiguous line with the same indentation as the current line.
The two rails are not only signal lines of track circuits, but also loop current line of locomotive traction current in electrified railway block.
Writes the text representation of the specified double-precision floating-point value, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream.
Writes the text representation of the specified object, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream using the specified format information.
This paper got the displacement current about a oscillating dipole and the equation of displacement current line and discusses the property of its electromagnet field.
Writes the text representation of the specified objects, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream using the specified format information.
If the current line matches the resulting regex, then the function has found the correct completion (the text of which is already in completion) and can return it immediately.
Writes the text representation of the specified array of objects, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream using the specified format information.
The alternate current line side realizes the decoupling control of active power and reactive power through double closed loop and the stability of direct current voltages at the same time.
Furthermore, governments can pass legislation which forces both individuals and companies to change their behavior in line with current green principles.
The $200 price is in line with current analysts' expectations after spot prices surged to $220-$240 a tonne.
The bottom line is that the current boundaries of a nation are worth protecting at all costs.
The bottom line is that the current boundaries of a nation are worth protecting at all costs.