The object can generate process instance specific data, such as process name, current activity, current logged in user, and the current instance ID.
With PEAR installed, the script can query the current messages, fetch each row, and output the user name and the comment text.
If the user does not specify the user name and password with a job, the user's current credential is automatically persisted as a security token in the job database.
The % s macro used as the list of valid users means the current session name, which will be the name of the currently logged in user.
Under the hood, I've set up a little security catch: a ServletFilter that will check to see if the given parameter name matches the name currently in session for the current user.
If the remote system is secured and is not a member of the current server's Single Sign-On domain you can enter a user name and password in the provided fields.
如果远程系统受到保护,并且也不是当前服务器单一登录(Single Sign - On)域的成员,那么您可以在提供的字段中输入用户名和密码。
As the name suggests, the session Explorer provides detailed information of all the current user sessions running at the server.
This file should contain a single line, which is the name of the user who is currently logged in. If the current logged in user is admin then this file will look like this.
To find out, you can use the whoami command to return the name of the current user.
The Web service's EJB component inserts the user name contained in the current security context into this response string.
This name points to the NotesDocument object associated with the current row, that is, the row that the user is on.
Also you can change current user by selecting the name in the list and pressing the OK button.
Other quick look-up tools on the site will show your current User Agent string from your browser, as well as your screen resolution and host name.
UserNameGets the name of the membership user for the current create-user, change-password, or reset-password action.
UserNameGets the name of the membership user for the current create-user, change-password, or reset-password action.