North American airlines, having exhausted all means of earning customer loyalty at home, have been looking for ways to reach out to foreign flyers.
Transient investors, who demand high quarterly profits from companies, can hinder a firm's efforts to invest in long-term research or to build up customer loyalty.
Foursquare aims to help merchants foster customer loyalty.
Fours quare目标为了帮助商家培养用户忠诚度。
Beyond Customer Loyalty: Creating Singing, Screaming, Money-Spending Fans.
Intangibly, customer loyalty and brand recognition have provided significant value to Zara.
Such programmes may enhance customer loyalty, particularly among environmentally conscious consumers.
Apple will gain from customer loyalty by requiring iCloud users to stay within their iTunes software.
People are given an incentive to buy, but this does not build customer loyalty or encourage future repeat buys.
Customer Loyalty originates from the satisfaction and identification of the value provided by tourism areas.
From increased customer loyalty to faster business processes, the rewards from big data are by no means small.
Customers' repurchase intention, one of the major measurements for customer loyalty, is the object of this study.
Training companies are facing low customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the fury market competition in China.
But according to several reports, the Japanese brand has maintained high levels of customer loyalty and positive perception.
The principle behind CRM is that marketing strategies are continuously extended in order to strengthen customer loyalty.
Yes. We have to attach importance to this aspect from now on. Many companies have a code of practice to win customer loyalty.
是啊。以后我们必。-须对这方面引起重视。许多公司都设。有操作规范以赢得顾客的忠诚。 。
In today's economy, though, it's more likely that businesses need to stabilize customer loyalty to secure existing revenue streams.
Customer experience was ranked by nearly 50 percent of those surveyed as the primary issue related to customer loyalty and retention.
With that I believe hits will increase and brand recognition doubled. This is a good way to create any cultivate customer loyalty.
If consumers effectively implement recommendation agents, then it can increase both customer loyalty and the overall sales volume.
Such problems can devastate an organization's ability to drive revenue, address new market opportunities, and maintain customer loyalty.
He cited examples from a number of organisations of how a focus on customer delight results in fierce customer loyalty and increased profit.
Customer relationship management is based on the principle that marketing strategies should be continuously extended to strengthen customer loyalty.
The goal of relationship marketing in commercial bank is to build up customer loyalty, because 80% of the total profit is come from 20% loyal customer.
The extended sites infrastructure allows the seller to implement multiple go-to-market strategies, leading to increased sales and improved customer loyalty.
Their cost advantage and ability to maintain brand recognition and customer loyalty are essential elements of Zara's capabilities that build value in the company.
A physical locale may be a thing of the past - you can't walk into Amazon, for instance - but fostering, bolstering, and rewarding customer loyalty is no less important.
Already, affinity programs are exploring the complex factors that influence customer loyalty by mining such diverse sources as customer call-center data and Twitter feeds.
亲和力计划(affinity programs)通过挖掘客户呼叫中心数据和Twitter提要等不同资源,探索影响客户忠诚度的复杂因素。
The position is accountable for providing personalized styling and consultation service for customers, with an objective to foster customer loyalty and spending growth.
There are laws related to safeguarding the data privacy of critical client data since (along with customer loyalty and trust) revenue of millions of dollars can be at stake.
There are laws related to safeguarding the data privacy of critical client data since (along with customer loyalty and trust) revenue of millions of dollars can be at stake.