But total cut-flower sales withered by 2.9% to EURO2.48 billion.
Lily is a world famous bulbous-flower and cut-flower, take very important part in world flower market.
The selection and application of the cross-breeding original materials for cut-flower chrysanthemum and standards for good characters of cut-flower chrysanthemum are also discussed.
Cut the flower stems on the slant.
He stooped down, cut the stem for her with his knife and handed her the flower.
In addition to cut flower sales in the Netherlands, Dutch auctions have also been used for perishable commodities such as fish and tobacco.
Each set consists of a single plastic flower, but actually featuring two different ways to cut the cake—using either the pedals or the leaves. Check them out after the jump.
If it's spring, the bento stalls in the station sell cherry blossom-themed meals to eat on the train: pink cakes made of mochi rice paste are cut into flower shapes.
Instead of flowers, theirbouquets are made of fruit cut into flower shapes--so they lookbeautiful and can be eaten instead of thrown away.
他们放弃了传统的鲜花,大胆改用切割成花朵形状的水果来制成花束 —— 看起来依然美观大方,欣赏后还可以食用,这就避免了鲜花枯萎后的浪费。
The LV-cut diamonds and discreet inserts of the brand's signature monogram flower were integrated into the six parures and 35 other pieces.
Cyclamen is very valuable in ornament, it mainly for potted flower, but some areas produced for cut flower.
This research proves that comprehensive application and improving rationally of preservative methods of cut flower offer effective technologies to cut flower production.
Reasonably dense planting can increase the cut flower output without sacrificing the quality.
Above metabolism procedure is advantage for that the anthocyanin synthesis pathway works normally, the anthocyanin content increase and finally the cut flower quality of Anthurium is improved.
The cut flower has become large amounts of merchandise in the international trade, and the demand is increasing year by year.
The exclusive cut flower crystal is beautifully crafted from a single piece of Jet crystal, making this a truly unique creation.
They even ask permission from the spirit within to cut down a tree or pick a flower. They are simply scared witless of ghost and will do anything to appease them.
There are many breeding achievements every year including cut flower and pot plants, except blue flower cultivar.
ROSES were the bestselling cut flower last year, according to the flower Council of Holland, an industry group based in the Netherlands, the world's largest exporter of flowers and plants.
A grouping of calla lilies is a wonderful addition to any garden, since they are relatively easy to grow and are an absolute favourite as a cut flower inside the house.
Besides, the respiration of cool storage cut gladiolus flower and the content of GA and ZRS were decreased, and the content of ABA was increased.
The exclusive cut flower crystal is beautifully crafted from a single piece of Vintage Rose crystal, making this a truly unique creation.
The exclusive cut flower crystal is beautifully crafted from a single piece of Vintage Rose crystal, making this a truly unique creation.