Therefore it is suggested that suspended cut-off wall can be used for seepage control in future design.
Pile and cut-off wall are widely used in geotechnical engineering. This kind of structures is in the form of strip or slab.
Therefore, it is very necessary and practical to study the mechanism of dike foundation piping and the effect of suspended cut-off wall.
The vibrating-hole jet grouted cut-off wall has been applied to the construction cofferdam for the power resource station at the Three Gorges project (TGP).
Suspended cut-off wall can effectively increase foundation resistance to piping and it is more efficient when it is situated in land side than in river side.
The model test for simulating effect of suspended cut-off wall on preventing seepage failure in two-layer foundation of levee has been carried out in a sandbox.
Take the nodong dam reinforcement project as an example, this paper introduced the application of clay curing agent in the cut-off wall of earth dam reinforcement.
The Hengquan reservoir is a middle-sized reservoir with the highest height and largest area adopting the plastic concrete cut-off wall in Shanxi Province for many years.
To control foundation seepage and exit gradient, a plastic concrete cut-off wall, a grout curtain, and a set of downstream pressure relief Wells are incorporated in the design.
The paper studies the control function of contact leakage in the connected section between cut-off wall and core of the dam foundation of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir through indoor tests.
Inflatable rubber capsules are used inside the culverts to give room for construction and both sides of the culverts are blocked, the cut-off wall concrete going between the two capsules.
Plastic concrete is an ideal cutoff wall material for its excellent mechanics, deformation properties and permeability, which can be overcome lack of ordinary concrete cut-off wall materials.
This paper emphatically introduces the construction technique of the plastic concrete cut-off wall, which includes the construction methods, construction processes and the quality control measures.
It has the functions of spinning and cutting, especial ly available to cut off big thin-wall cylindrical workpiece such as the shell of compressor.
Cut off a part of the wall which dyed by the dog's urine, and preserve it as treasure.
Not to think you I in what the season, but when we walked across the complexity of the world, we increasingly by countless invisible wall cut off.
This paper introduces the treatment for deep dam foundation of the concrete cut off wall, which intensity and elastic modulus value are requirement to satisfy the stress, strain and durability.
Off this section through a hole cut in the lattice is a drier 6-foot by 9-foot area surrounded by a 3-foot high brick wall.
The traditional impermeable hardening retaining wall cut off the exchange of material, energy and information between rivers and coasts, and hinder the mutual supply between river and groundwater.
It is concluded that location of foot-wall drawing points are closely related to orebody dip, cut-off grade and ore grade of wall rock.
He would just cut off lengths of canvas and tack them to the wall. When a picture was finished, he cropped off any remaining blank canvas.
Involved tissues such as pericardium and lung were cut off, while the unaffected soft tissues of chest wall were reserved as much as possible.
Involved tissues such as pericardium and lung were cut off, while the unaffected soft tissues of chest wall were reserved as much as possible.