Five nag cent corpses skin a twitch and is cut to pieces!
The solid oak beams of state are being cut to pieces and the roof will come crashing down.
The ensilage harvester may complete to cut the crops, to cut to pieces, to throw into the feed trailer.
The mad joy over theprisoners who were saved, had astounded him scarcely less than the madferocity against those who were cut to pieces.
The mad job over the prisoners who were saved, had astounded him scarcely less than the mad ferocity against those who were cut to pieces.
Set caught Isis in the act and had Osiris cut to pieces, with each piece buried in a different part of the land, so Isis could never again raise her husband.
What not to waste: perforation of the shirt and skirt were cut to pieces, or a wall hanging made of parquet is, odd bits of cloth can be used to make carpets.
Dr. Hassanein of the Ministry of Health reports more cases of "bodies cut to pieces" after attacks on Gaza City's Palestine Square, Tuffah, Zeitoun and Old City neighborhoods.
卫生部Hassanein医生报道说,对加沙城巴勒斯坦广场、Tuffah Zeitoun和老城区的袭击使得死亡人数更多了。
Stained glass of course is simply glass that has been colored and cut into pieces and re-assembled to form a picture or a decorative design.
Try to cut the potatoes into small pieces.
Bryan built a bed from pieces of wood while Jessica cut up old pillows to use as a mattress.
I cut the map into pieces and handed them over to her, asking her to put those pieces together and make a complete map again.
Write your partner a love letter or poem on one sheet of paper. Glue it to thin cardboard, cut it up into puzzle-shaped pieces, then mail all the pieces.
At the Xianheng, a waitress cut the cheeses into pieces, and the assembled tasters began to pick them up with their chopsticks, sniffing and tasting.
The Mute Singer found some snails and cut them into small pieces and began to feed the frogs.
He is to cut it into pieces, and the priest shall arrange them, including the head and the fat, on the burning wood that is on the altar.
When a friend visiting the West brought one back with him in 1979, Assen cut it into 30 pieces - to savour one morsel a day for a month.
Using just the sole pattern, cut two pieces from the cardboard. These now need to be trimmed, so they are 1.5cm smaller than the pattern all the way around.
So, we're going to cut our origin into little pieces, say, little rectangles or actually anything we want.
They feared that the mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open, but fortunately this has not happened.
Regardless, it is fun to sort through the pieces and see what was removed from the final cut of the film.
They sift old pieces of food from the oil and then resell it to restaurants and vendors looking to cut costs.
The researchers were able to cut the same block into pieces and put them back together at least five times.
You can and should use your knife to cut large pieces of lettuce or other ingredients in your salad.
Genetic modification can be used to cut out selected pieces of DNA (or genes) using special enzymes.
A human corpse is cut into small pieces and placed on a mountaintop, exposing it to the elements and animals - especially to birds of prey.
On the monitor, you can see the miniature instruments he's using to cut away inflamed tissue and snip away pieces of eggshell-thin bone that block Butler's sinuses and give her nonstop headaches.
A blonde went into a pizza parlor. When she said that she'd like a medium pizza, the clerk asked her how many pieces she'd like to have it cut into: six or twelve.
It contains multiple levels of hair such that each strand is cut a few centimeters longer or shorter compared to the other pieces of hair.
It contains multiple levels of hair such that each strand is cut a few centimeters longer or shorter compared to the other pieces of hair.