Observations on the lower epidermal characters of leaves show that the cuticular layer is mainly striate thickened.
Cuticular layer of the skin cells with new color 1-2 years later will gradually disappear, this is different from in the depth of the skin dermis in the operation of the new concept of beauty.
表皮层的肌肤细胞跟着推陈出新1 - 2年后色彩就会逐步不见,这便是不同于在肌肤真皮层深处进行施术的纹身的新概念美容技能。
Cuticular layer of the skin cells with new color 1-2 years later will gradually disappear, this is different from in the depth of the skin dermis in the operation of the new concept of beauty.
表皮层的肌肤细胞跟着推陈出新1 - 2年后色彩就会逐步不见,这便是不同于在肌肤真皮层深处进行施术的纹身的新概念美容技能。