The change separated populations of insects now living along opposite shore, completely cutting off gene flow between them.
Most notably, they found that very high doses of antioxidant polyphenols shut down and prevent cancerous tumors by cutting off the formation of new blood vessels needed for tumor growth.
However those who enjoy either Fried or barbecued meat should consider turning down the heat or cutting off burned portions when it's finished.
Cutting off patients' connection with the Web before offering them psychological counseling and complementing that with group interactive activities to teach patients how to socialize in real society.
Now you can connect the rubber hose to the galvanized drain pipe by cutting off the end connector and fitting with a hose clamp.
A mild stroke can also be caused by a blood clot, which, Liebeskind said, can occur anywhere in the circulatory system, cutting off blood flow to the brain.
Forcing people out of their homes by cutting off utilities or road access is banned.
The recent defaults in the subprime mortgage market may be affecting other bond investors and cutting off credit to the housing market.
Applications for places at secondary schools are now made and adjudicated online, cutting off a nice little earner for officials at the better schools.
A large Armenian population wasn’t so happy, and Armenia drives a physical wedge through the small nation cutting off an even smaller exclave called Nakchivan from the main territory.
亚美尼亚人不乐意了,他们通过暴力手段,从阿塞拜疆切掉了一块叫Nakchivan 的更小的飞地(指在本国境内的隶属另一国的一块领土)。
"If that would actually happen, we think it would mean cutting off something like 18 million people around the world who depend on food aid," he says.
Libyan rebels made further advances, taking control of the main roads leading from Tunisia and Algeria to the capital, Tripoli, cutting off Muammar Qaddafi's supply lines. See article.
I took up psychology and sociology, and knew clearly I was cutting off my relationship with all those men I love.
I was about to do it myself when I hesitated: it seemed cruel cutting off my own child - even if it was just from a social-media channel.
Another said nothing at all: she appeared at the microphone accompanied by a woman who began cutting off her waist-length, bleached-blond hair.
Dr Perelman overcame this difficulty by cutting off the singularities, continuing with the Ricci-flow application and then rejoining the transformed objects later.
It responded solely through security measures, such as cutting off mobile telephones, text-messaging services and the Internet.
In many other countries, though, the sums earned from selling human hair are far more trivial, and many women are tricked and exploited into cutting off their hair.
Mumbai's financial types say that firms are scrambling to find dollars and that desperate euro-zone Banks, which supply about half of India's foreign loans, are cutting off credit lines.
Even as a heftier man, high water trousers aren't supposed to hover above your ankles, effectively cutting off your height, nor should blazers graze thighs.
German politicians now talk openly of cutting off Greece's lifeline and letting it fall out of the euro, causing another seizure in the markets, where French Banks have now come into the firing line.
They may use the power of the purse to squeeze spending at the margins; but cutting off the money completely would create a huge popular backlash.
The Tories’ decision to oppose all unfunded tax cuts is a classic example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Engineers also will practice cutting off a transmission mid-stream and picking it up on another ground station.
Engineers also will practice cutting off a transmission mid-stream and picking it up on another ground station.