Many of POSTMODERNISM's allegedly principal qualities fit cyberpunk like a glove.
Enhance your sci-fi, cyberpunk, industrial, urban, space environments with some action.
The first cyberpunk novel to feature a Matrix with personality and the first hints of virtual reality.
Its plot reads like something out of a cyberpunk novella, which in and of itself, would probably make for interesting tech geek viewing.
It sounds like something straight out of cyberpunk science fiction: monkeys controlling robot arms miles away through their brain waves;
Like Cyberpunk, there is an emphasis on the technology and culture of the material world as shown through and alternate present or future.
Their music is built around deep, droning tones and thundering rhythms that support dark songs focusing on science fictional and cyberpunk themes.
Description: Collection of 5 Animated low poly vents for your mobile game. Enhance your sci-fi, cyberpunk, industrial, urban, space environments with some action.
Your local bookstore probably doesn't carry Chiang's only story collection, Stories of Your Life and Others, and the average fan of cyberpunk or Battlestar Galactica likely has no clue who he is.
Your local bookstore probably doesn't carry Chiang's only story collection, Stories of Your Life and Others, and the average fan of cyberpunk or Battlestar Galactica likely has no clue who he is.